19-1614. Register.


Article 16.--COUNTY SEATS

      19-1614.   Register. Said registers shall each contain a list of the persons so qualified and entitled to vote in said voting precinct at the coming election for the permanent location or relocation of the county seat; alphabetically arranged according to their respective surnames, so as to show in one column the name at full length, and in another column, in cities, the residence, by the number of the dwelling, if there be a number, and the name of the street, or other location of the dwelling place of each elector. It shall be the duty of said board to enter in said lists the name of every person residing in their voting precinct whose name appears on the poll book kept in said precinct at the last preceding election; in cities, the numbers of the dwellings and name of the street, or other location, if the same shall be known to or can be ascertained by such board; and for this purpose said board is authorized to take from the office in which they are filed the duplicate poll book made and filed by the judges of such voting precinct at the election held next prior to the making of such register.

      In making said list the board shall enter thereon, in addition to the names on the duplicate poll book, the names of all other persons who are well known to them to be qualified electors in said voting precinct; and the names of all persons on the duplicate poll book who have died or removed from the voting precinct shall be omitted from said register. The said boards shall complete, as far as practicable, the said register on the day of their meeting aforesaid, and shall make four copies thereof, and certify the register and each of said copies to be a true list of the legal voters in their voting precinct, so far as the same are known to them, within two days thereafter, and file said original list, together with the list taken from the office as aforesaid, in the office of the township clerk of the township in which said election precinct may be, within three days of said meeting.

      One copy of said list shall be kept by each of said judges, and carefully preserved by him for their use, on the day or days hereinafter mentioned for the revision of the same. One copy of said list shall, immediately after its completion, be posted in some conspicuous place where said election is to be held, in the voting precinct, and be accessible to any elector who may desire to examine the same. And any person who shall take down, tear down, or deface any list so posted, shall on conviction thereof be punished by a fine of fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of sixty days, or by both fine and imprisonment.

      History:   L. 1881, ch. 89, § 2; March 4; R.S. 1923, 19-1614.