19-1590. Counties between 50,000 and 80,000; bonds for courthouse improvements, acquisition of sites, additions, equipment and maintenance.



      19-1590.   Counties between 50,000 and 80,000; bonds for courthouse improvements, acquisition of sites, additions, equipment and maintenance. The board of county commissioners of any county having a population of not less than fifty thousand (50,000) and not more than eighty thousand (80,000), when it deems it advisable, may issue bonds of the county in a total amount of not to exceed one-half of one percent (1/2%) of the assessed taxable tangible valuation of the county for the general purpose of purchasing, installing, repairing, maintaining, renovating, exchanging and replacing heating and air-conditioning systems of the courthouse of such county; and for the further purpose of acquiring sites for the erection of necessary additions to the existing courthouse and buildings and the equipment and maintenance of such additions and buildings; and for the further purpose of making necessary capital improvements and alterations to the existing courthouse.

      No bonds shall be issued under this act until a resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds shall be passed by the board of county commissioners and published for three (3) successive issues in a newspaper of general circulation in such county, whereupon such bonds may be issued unless a petition in opposition to same, signed by not less than five percent (5%) of the qualified voters of such county as determined by the vote for secretary of state at the last preceding election, is filed with the county clerk of such county within thirty (30) days following the last publication of such resolution. In the event such petition is filed it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to determine the sufficiency of such petition, and if it finds same to be sufficient, it shall be the duty of said board to submit the question to the voters at an election called for such purpose or at the next general election.

      All such bonds shall be issued, registered, sold, delivered and retired in accordance with the provisions of the general bond law. Nothing in this act shall prevent the use of any available federal or state aid or both by the county in carrying out one or more of the purposes authorized by this act. The provisions of K.S.A. 19-214, 19-215 and 19-216 shall be applicable to any improvements made under the authority conferred by this section.

      History:   L. 1955, ch. 176, § 1; April 8.