19-1586. Same; site at place other than county seat; contracts; limitation; resolution.



      19-1586.   Same; site at place other than county seat; contracts; limitation; resolution. That where an office or offices for the rendering of county services by county officials has heretofore been established in any such county at a place other than the county seat of said county, and such action has been validated pursuant to the provisions of section 19-1601a of the General Statutes Supplement of 1947, the board of county commissioners may acquire a site if one be needed at some place within the township wherein such office has been established and proceed to advertise and let the contract for the building, equipping and furnishing of a suitable building for the housing of such county officials as are authorized pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 19-1601b: Provided, That the board of county commissioners shall first determine the total amount necessary to be expended for such purposes, in no event to exceed one-half (1/2) of one percent of the assessed tangible valuation of the county, and the amount so determined shall be included in the resolution and publication hereinafter provided for.

      Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, the board of county commissioners may issue and sell in the manner provided by the general law, bonds of the county in an amount which will not exceed the total amount stated in said resolution and publication: Provided, That no contract shall be let or bonds issued under the provisions of this section of this act until a resolution is adopted by the board of county commissioners stating (a) that they deem it advisable to acquire a site for and build, equip and furnish an office building, or for any one or more of such purposes, for the housing of services as authorized by the provisions of K.S.A. 19-1601b, and (b) the total amount determined necessary to pay for such project, and (c) that it is necessary to issue and sell bonds, stating the amount thereof, in payment therefor. Such resolution shall be published for three successive issues in the official county paper, whereupon, subject to authorization by an election as hereinafter provided, the board of county commissioners may proceed to acquire a site if one be needed and may proceed to advertise and let the contract for such building and equipping and furnishing the same and may issue and sell bonds in an amount not exceeding that stated in such resolution as the amount necessary to be issued.

      History:   L. 1949, ch. 212, § 2; April 12.