13-10,107. Sewers and sewage disposal outside certain cities; contracts; benefit district, conditions.
13-10,107. Sewers and sewage disposal outside certain cities; contracts; benefit district, conditions. The governing body of any city of the first class having a population of over 110,000 inhabitants located in a county with an assessed tangible valuation in excess of $150,000,000 and the governing body of any city of the first class having a population of less than 14,000 is authorized and empowered to contract with the owners of any tract or tracts of land located outside of but within five miles of the corporate limits of such city for the purchase or construction of a sewer to serve such tract or tracts of land or to contract for the processing and disposal of sewage from such tract or tracts of land in any case where the public health of such city will be promoted thereby and where the governing body of such city deems such action otherwise advisable, the cost of such improvements to be paid by the benefit district to be established as is herein provided upon the following conditions:
(a) That such tract or tracts of land described in said contract shall constitute a special sewer district against which the cost of such sewer, together with any easements or rights of way, shall be charged.
(b) In case the sewage from said sewage district is carried through any sewer line owned, controlled or operated by such city, a charge for the use of said sewer shall be made against the special sewer district described in condition (a) hereof.
(c) The lands, improvements and all other property located upon such lands in said sewer district shall be subject to general sewer, sewer maintenance, and sewage disposal taxes in such amount as the governing body of such city may determine and levy, to such sewer district.
(d) The owner or owners of such lands and improvements shall consent that the lands and improvements located within the sewer district shall be taxed in all respects under the provision of this section for sewer facilities and services as provided in subsection (c) hereof and any revenue derived from such tax shall only be used for the benefit of such sewer district.
History: L. 1941, ch. 144, § 1; L. 1947, ch. 137, § 1; L. 1951, ch. 153, § 1; April 4.