13-1024b. Same; construction of bridge or viaduct within or without city; agreements with other bodies; acquisition of land; bonds; election, when; tax levies; payment of county's share.



      13-1024b.   Same; construction of bridge or viaduct within or without city; agreements with other bodies; acquisition of land; bonds; election, when; tax levies; payment of county's share. Any city may construct any bridge or viaduct within the city or without such city but not in excess of one mile therefrom; any such bridge or viaduct may be built in conjunction with the county in which such city is located; such city and county are hereby authorized to enter into agreement for the construction of such bridge or viaduct either between themselves, with any agency of the federal government, with the state or any agency thereof, or with any person or corporation whatsoever; such an agreement may provide for the division of the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of such bridge or viaduct, for the manner of obtaining engineering and bids, and all other matters relating thereto in the public interest; such city may acquire the necessary land for such building by purchase, gift, eminent domain or otherwise and if said land is acquired by eminent domain, the procedure provided by article 2 of chapter 26 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and any amendments thereto, shall be followed by the city and the title acquired by such city shall be fee simple absolute; such city is authorized to issue general improvement bonds of the city to pay for all or part of the cost of constructing such bridge or viaduct and acquiring the land necessary therefor; such county is authorized to issue general improvement bonds of such county to pay for all or part of the cost of constructing such bridge or viaduct: Provided, That no such bonds shall be issued by such city or county except as authorized by K.S.A. 13-1024a until the same have been authorized by a majority vote of the electors of such city or county: Provided further, That such city and county shall levy taxes to pay the principal and interest of such bonds, and none of the restrictions or limitations respecting the amount of city or county indebtedness contained in any of the statutes of the state of Kansas shall apply to or in any way affect the issuance of bonds authorized by this section, nor shall the amount of such bonds be counted in computing the indebtedness of such county or city: Provided further, That for the purposes named herein the county may pay its agreed share of the total cost of any project from the special bridge fund provided for in K.S.A. 68-1135 and 68-1136.

      History:   L. 1955, ch. 90, § 2; June 30.