12-8,112. Acquisition of gas distribution systems by certain cities; resolution; definition of "gas distribution system"; issuance of bonds; jurisdiction of corporation commission.
12-8,112. Acquisition of gas distribution systems by certain cities; resolution; definition of "gas distribution system"; issuance of bonds; jurisdiction of corporation commission. (a) The governing bodies of any two or more cities of the third class, any of which is located in Crawford, Neosho, Bourbon, Allen or Linn counties, may together form a corporation or enter into an agreement with an existing corporation to provide natural gas distribution systems to such cities to acquire such gas distribution systems. Before forming such a corporation or entering into such agreement, each governing body shall adopt a resolution which finds and declares it to be in the best interest of the city to make such acquisition and operate a gas distribution system of such city or cities to continue the distribution and sale of natural gas within the limits of such city or cities. Each such resolution shall be published once in the official city newspaper.
(b) As used in this section "gas distribution system" means, in addition to its usual meaning, the right to purchase natural gas for resale, physical facilities, any rights-of-way on private property and any real estate integral to such facilities and any other rights, records or property appropriate for operation of the system.
(c) If the governing body of the city deems it necessary, it may issue bonds in such amount as is fixed by ordinance to pay for such gas distribution system or its share thereof. Except as in this act otherwise provided, such bonds shall be issued in accordance with revenue bond laws applicable to the city.
(d) The state corporation commission shall have and retain regulatory authority over any acquisition made under this section, and to the extent provided by law, regulation of the gas distribution system or systems operated under this section.
History: L. 1981, ch. 85, § 1; July 1.