12-686. Same; designating trafficway connections with main trafficways; right-of-way.



      12-686.   Same; designating trafficway connections with main trafficways; right-of-way. Whenever in the judgment of the governing body of any city which has designated and established main trafficways under the provisions of this act, it is necessary to provide adequate connections with or between any main trafficways of said city or for the purpose of relieving traffic congestion at certain points on said main trafficways, said governing body is hereby authorized and empowered to designate and establish, by ordinance, certain portions of existing streets, boulevards, avenues or viaducts as trafficway connections or to acquire by purchase or condemnation the necessary right-of-way for such purposes and designate and establish the same as trafficway connections, and to connect any street, boulevard, avenue or viaduct with any of the main trafficways and/or connect any two (2) main trafficways and designate and establish the same as trafficway connections. Such designation by the governing body shall be final and conclusive.

      History:   L. 1959, ch. 71, § 2; June 30.