Article 8 WARRANTS
- 10-801. Terms; combination warrant checks; preparation.
- 10-802. Authority for issuance; claims, when.
- 10-803. Signatures on warrants and warrant checks.
- 10-804. Record of warrants and warrant checks.
- 10-805. Same; duties of treasurer; signature.
- 10-806. Same; payment; endorsement.
- 10-807. Same; no-fund warrants, registration; recordation; payment; when not receivable for taxes.
- 10-808. Redemption of no-fund warrants; duties of county treasurer; call.
- 10-809. Warrant register; custody.
- 10-810. Execution of unlawful or irregular warrants or warrant checks; penalties.
- 10-811. Cancellation of state warrants; when warrant may be canceled; records of cancellation.
- 10-812. Proceeds from cancellations; canceled warrants payment fund.
- 10-813. Same; nonpayment of warrant for lack of funds tolls time period for cancellation.
- 10-813a. Cancelled warrants issued pursuant to KPERS act; disbursement of fund; payment to certain claimants, limitations.
- 10-814
- 10-815. Cancellation of certain county warrants; balances.
- 10-816. Cancellation of certain city warrants; balances.
- 10-817