420.238 - REDEMPTION -- TERMS.

        420.238  REDEMPTION -- TERMS.         Real property sold under the provisions of this chapter, or by      virtue of any power heretofore given, may be redeemed before the time      of redemption expires, as hereinafter provided, by payment to the      treasurer, collector, or person authorized to receive the same, to be      held by the treasurer, collector or other authorized person subject      to the order of the purchaser on surrender of the certificate, or in      case the same is lost and destroyed, on the purchaser's making      affidavit of such fact, and of the further fact that it was not      assigned, of the amount for which the same was sold, and ten percent      of such amount immediately added as a penalty, with eight percent per      annum on the whole amount thus made from the day of sale, and the      amount of all taxes, either general or special, with interest and      costs, paid at any time by the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee      subsequent to the sale, and a similar penalty of ten percent added as      before on the amount of the payment made at any subsequent time, with      eight percent interest per annum on the whole of such amount or      amounts from the day or days of payment; provided that such penalty      for the nonpayment of the taxes at any subsequent time or times shall      not attach, unless such subsequent tax or taxes shall have remained      unpaid for thirty days after they became delinquent.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C97, § 1018; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 6887; C46, 50, 54, 58,      62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 420.238]