414.24 RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICTS. A city may, and upon petition of sixty percent of the owners of the real estate in the district sought to be affected who are residents of the city shall, designate and establish, after notice and hearing as provided in section 414.4, restricted residence districts within the city limits. In the ordinance designating and establishing a restricted residence district, the city may establish reasonable rules for the use and occupancy of buildings of all kinds within the district, and provide that no building or other structure, except residences, schoolhouses, churches and other similar structures, shall be erected, altered, repaired or occupied without first securing from the city council a permit to be issued under reasonable rules as may be provided in the ordinance. An ordinance and rules passed under this section shall not conflict with applicable building and housing codes. A building or structure erected, altered, repaired, or used in violation of an ordinance passed under this section shall be deemed a nuisance. When a city has proceeded under the other provisions of this chapter, this section shall no longer be in effect for the city.Section History: Early Form
[C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 6473, 6474, 6475, 6476; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, § 414.22, 415.1, 415.2, 415.3; C77, 79, 81, § 414.24]Section History: Recent Form
84 Acts, ch 1018, § 2 Nuisances in general, chapter 657