403A.20  CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY.         A municipality shall have the right to acquire by condemnation any      interest in real property, including a fee simple title thereto,      which it may deem necessary for or in connection with a municipal      housing project under this chapter, subject to the limitations on      eminent domain authority in chapter 6A.  A municipality shall      exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided in      chapter 6B.  Property already devoted to a public use may be acquired      in like manner.  However, real property belonging to the state, or      any political subdivision thereof, shall not be acquired without its      consent, and real property or any right or interest in the property      owned by any public utility company, pipeline company, railway or      transportation company vested with the right of eminent domain under      the laws of this state shall not be acquired without the consent of      the company, or without first securing, after due notice to the      company and after hearing, a certificate authorizing condemnation of      such property from the board, commission, or body having the      authority to grant a certificate authorizing condemnation.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 403A.20] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         2006 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1001, §40, 49         Referred to in § 403A.3 
         2006 amendments to this section take effect July 14, 2006, and      apply to applications for condemnation filed pursuant to §6B.3 on or      after that date; 2006 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1001, §49