403A.11  PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING LAWS --      INSULATION REQUIREMENTS.         All housing projects of a municipality shall be subject to the      planning, zoning, sanitary and building laws, ordinances and      regulations applicable to the locality in which the project is      situated.         All dwellings which are part of housing projects and which are      proposed to be rented to low- income families or the elderly through      the programs of the United States department of housing and urban      development shall have ceiling insulation having an R value of 38 in      the attic, floor insulation having an R value of 20, or perimeter      wall insulation having an R value of 10 beneath all habitable heated      areas or over unheated spaces.  In addition, basement walls shall      have insulation with an R value of 6 to their full height, with      insulation in the box sill having an R value of 20.  As used in this      section, "R value" means resistance to heat flow.         The insulation requirements of this section are effective for all      dwellings, the construction of which begins on or after July 1, 1991.      For dwellings existing or under construction prior to July 1, 1991,      the dwelling must comply with the insulation requirements of this      section by June 30, 1996.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 403A.11] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         91 Acts, ch 270, §5