373.4  COMMISSION PROCEDURES AND REPORTS.         1.  Within sixty days after its organization, the commission shall      hold at least one public hearing for the purpose of receiving      information and material which will assist in the drafting of a      charter.  Notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing shall be      published in the official county newspapers of each county in which      the participating cities are located.         2.  Within nine months after the organization of the commission,      the commission shall submit a preliminary report to the councils of      the participating cities, which report may include the text of the      proposed charter.  If a proposed charter is included in the      preliminary report, the report shall also include an analysis of the      fiscal impact of the proposed charter.  Sufficient copies of the      report shall be made available for distribution to residents of the      participating cities who request a copy.  The commission shall hold      at least one public hearing after submission of the preliminary      report to obtain public comment.         3.  Within twenty months after organization, the commission shall      submit the final report to the councils of the participating cities.      If the commission recommends a charter of consolidation, the final      report shall include the full text and an explanation of the proposed      charter, an analysis of the fiscal impact of the proposed charter,      any comments deemed desirable by the commission, and any minority      reports.  The final report may recommend no change to the existing      form of government and that no charter be submitted to the      electorate, or it may recommend consolidation of the participating      cities with the county.  If the board of supervisors by resolution      agrees to participate in consolidation, then the participating cities      and county shall proceed under sections 331.231 through 331.252.         4.  The final report of the commission shall be made available to      the residents of the participating cities upon request.  A summary of      the final report shall be published in the official newspapers of the      county.  If a charter is not recommended, the commission is dissolved      upon submission of its final report to the councils of the      participating cities.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         91 Acts, ch 256, §43