373.3 ORGANIZATION AND EXPENSES. 1. Within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the commission, the city clerk of the participating city with the largest population shall give written notice of the date, time, and location of the first meeting of the commission. At the first meeting the commission shall organize by electing a chairperson, vice chairperson, and other officers as necessary. The commission shall adopt rules governing the conduct of its meetings, subject to chapter 21. 2. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but they are entitled to travel and other necessary expenses relating to their duties of office. 3. The participating cities shall make available to the commission in-kind services such as office space, printing, supplies, and equipment and shall pay the other necessary expenses of the commission, including compensation for secretarial, clerical, professional, and consultant services. The total annual expenses, not including the value of in-kind expenses, to be paid from public funds shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars or an amount equal to thirty cents times the population of the commission area, according to the most recent certified federal census. The commission may employ staff as necessary. 4. The expenses of the commission may be paid from the general fund of the participating cities or from any combination of public or private funds available for that purpose. The commission's annual expenses may exceed the amount in subsection 3 only if the excess is paid from private funds. If a proposed charter is submitted to the electorate, private funds donated to the commission may be used to promote passage of the proposed charter.Section History: Recent Form
91 Acts, ch 256, §42