357A.2  PETITION -- DEPOSIT -- LIMITATION.         A petition may at any time be filed with the auditor requesting      the supervisors to incorporate and organize a district encompassing      an area, not then included in any other district, in a county or in      two or more adjacent counties for the purpose of providing an      adequate supply of water for residents of the area who are not served      by the water mains of any city water system.         There shall be filed with the petition a bond with sureties      approved by the auditor, or a certified check, credit union certified      share draft or cash in an amount sufficient for the payment of all      costs and expenses incurred in the proceedings if the district is not      finally established.         The petition shall be signed by the owners of at least thirty      percent of all real property lying within the outside perimeter of      the area designated for inclusion in the proposed district, and shall      state:         1.  The location of the area, describing such area to be served or      specifying the area by an attached map.         2.  The reasons a district is needed.         3.  A new water service plan describing the cost feasibility and      estimated construction schedules.         Water services, other than water services provided as of April 1,      1987, shall not be provided within two miles of the limits of a city      by a rural water district incorporated under this chapter or chapter      504 except as provided in this section.         A rural water district incorporated under this chapter or chapter      504 may give notice of intent to provide water service to a new area      within two miles of a city by submitting a water plan to the city.      The plan is only required to indicate the area within two miles of      the city which the rural water district intends to serve.  If the      city fails to respond to the rural water district's plan within      ninety days of receipt of the plan, the rural water district may      provide service in the area designated in the plan.  The city may      inform the rural water district within ninety days of receipt of the      plan that the city requires additional time or information to study      the question of providing water service outside the limits of the      city.  If additional time or information is required, the city shall      respond to the rural water district's plan within one hundred eighty      days of receipt of the plan.  In responding to the plan, the city may      waive its right to provide water service within the areas designated      for service by the rural water district, or the city may reserve the      right to provide water service in some or all of the areas which the      rural water district intends to serve.  If the city reserves the      right to provide water service within some or all of the areas which      the rural water district intends to serve, the city shall provide      service within four years of receipt of the plan.  This section does      not preclude a city from providing water service in an area which is      annexed by the city.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 357A.2] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1055, § 7; 85 Acts, ch 67, § 42; 87 Acts, ch 109, § 2;      91 Acts, ch 134, § 2, 3; 92 Acts, ch 1015, § 3, 4; 95 Acts, ch 77,      §2; 2004 Acts, ch 1049, §191; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, § 393         Referred to in § 331.382, 357A.20, 499.5