350.4  POWERS AND DUTIES.         The county conservation board shall have the custody, control and      management of all real and personal property heretofore or hereafter      acquired by the county for public museums, parks, preserves,      parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, county forests, county      wildlife areas, and other county conservation and recreation purposes      and is authorized and empowered:         1.  To study and ascertain the county's museum, park, preserve,      parkway, and recreation and other conservation facilities, the need      for such facilities, and the extent to which such needs are being      currently met, and to prepare and adopt a co-ordinated plan of areas      and facilities to meet such needs.         2.  To acquire in the name of the county by gift, purchase, lease,      agreement, exchange, or otherwise, in fee or with conditions,      suitable real estate within or without the territorial limits of the      county for public museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds,      recreation centers, forests, wildlife, and other conservation      purposes and for participation in watershed, drainage, and flood      control programs for the purpose of increasing the recreational      resources of the county.  The natural resource commission, the county      board of supervisors, or the governing body of any city, upon request      of the county conservation board, may transfer to the county      conservation board for use as museums, parks, preserves, parkways,      playgrounds, recreation centers, play fields, tennis courts, skating      rinks, swimming pools, gymnasiums, rooms for arts and crafts, camps      and meeting places, community forests, wildlife areas, and other      recreational purposes, any land and buildings owned or controlled by      the department of natural resources or the county or city and not      devoted or dedicated to any other inconsistent public use.  In      acquiring or accepting land, due consideration shall be given to its      scenic, historic, archaeologic, recreational, or other special      features, and land shall not be acquired or accepted unless, in the      opinion of the board, it is suitable or, in the case of exchange, is      suitable and of substantially the same value as the property      exchanged from the standpoint of its proposed use.  An exchange of      property approved by the county conservation board and the board of      supervisors is not subject to section 331.361, subsection 2.         3.  The county conservation board shall file with the natural      resource commission all acquisitions or exchanges of land within one      year.         4.  To plan, develop, preserve, administer and maintain all such      areas, places and facilities, and construct, reconstruct, alter and      renew buildings and other structures, and equip and maintain the      same.         5.  To accept in the name of the county gifts, bequests,      contributions and appropriations of money and other personal property      for conservation purposes.         6.  To employ and fix the compensation of a director who shall be      responsible to the county conservation board for the carrying out of      its policies.  The director, subject to the approval of the board,      may employ and fix the compensation of assistants and employees as      necessary for carrying out this chapter.         7.  To charge and collect reasonable fees for the use of the      parks, facilities, privileges and conveniences as may be provided and      for admission to amateur athletic contests, demonstrations and      exhibits, and other noncommercial events.  The board shall not allow      the exclusive use of a park by one or more organizations.         8.  To operate concessions or to lease concessions and to let out      and rent privileges in or upon any property under its control upon      such terms and conditions as are deemed by it to be in the public      interest.         9.  To participate in watershed projects of soil and water      conservation districts and the federal government and in projects of      drainage districts organized under the provisions of chapter 161F and      chapter 468, subchapter I, parts 1 through 5, and subchapter II,      parts 1, 5, and 6, for the purpose of increasing the recreational      resources of the county.         Any agreement for such participation by or with a board of      supervisors or trustees concerning drainage districts shall be in      writing, shall be duly adopted by a resolution of the board of      supervisors or trustees and shall be spread in its entirety upon the      permanent records of the drainage district or districts affected.         10.  To furnish suitable uniforms for the director and those      employees as the director may designate to wear uniforms, when on      official duty.  The cost of the uniforms shall not exceed three      hundred dollars per person in any year.  The uniforms shall at all      times remain the property of the county.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, § 111A.4; 81 Acts, ch      117, § 1013] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1097, § 1; 86 Acts, ch 1097, § 1; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §      1867; 89 Acts, ch 191, §1; 89 Acts, ch 239, § 1         C93, § 350.4         Referred to in § 306.42