350.2  PETITION -- BOARD MEMBERSHIP.         Upon a petition to the board of supervisors which meets the      requirements of section 331.306, the board shall submit to the voters      at the next general election the question of whether a county      conservation board shall be created as provided for in this chapter.      If at the election the majority of votes favors the creation of a      county conservation board, the board of supervisors within sixty days      after the election shall create a county conservation board to      consist of five bona fide residents of the county.  The members first      appointed shall hold office for the term of one, two, three, four,      and five years respectively, as indicated and fixed by the board of      supervisors.  Thereafter, succeeding members shall be appointed for a      term of five years, except that vacancies occurring otherwise than by      expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired      term.  When a member of the board, during the term of office, ceases      to be a bona fide resident of the county, the member is disqualified      as a member and the office becomes vacant.  Members of the board      shall be selected and appointed on the basis of their demonstrated      interest in conservation matters, and shall serve without      compensation, but may be paid their actual and necessary expenses      incurred in the performance of their official duties.  Members of the      county conservation board may be removed for cause by the board of      supervisors as provided in section 331.321, subsection 3, if the      cause is malfeasance, nonfeasance, disability, or failure to      participate in board activities as set forth by the rules of the      conservation board.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, § 111A.2; 81 Acts, ch      117, § 1012] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         90 Acts, ch 1238, § 34         C93, § 350.2         Referred to in § 331.321, 331.381, 350.11