346.27  "AUTHORITY" FOR CONTROL OF JOINT PROPERTY.         1.  Any joint building acquired, owned, erected, constructed,      controlled, or occupied in accordance with the authorization      contained in this section is declared to be acquired, owned, erected,      constructed, controlled, or occupied for a public purpose and as a      matter of public need.         2.  Any county may join with its county seat to incorporate an      "Authority" for the purpose of acquiring, constructing,      demolishing, improving, enlarging, equipping, furnishing, repairing,      maintaining, and operating a public building, and to acquire and      prepare the necessary site, including demolition of any structures,      for the joint use of the county and city or any school district which      is within or is a part of the county or city.         3.  The incorporation of an authority shall be accomplished by the      adoption of articles of incorporation by the governing body of each      incorporating unit.  For adoption, the affirmative vote of a majority      of the members of each governing body is required.  The articles of      incorporation shall be executed for and on behalf of each      incorporating unit by the following officers:         a.  For the county, by the chairperson of the board of      supervisors.         b.  For the city, by its mayor and city clerk.         4.  The articles of incorporation shall set forth the name of the      authority, the name of the incorporating units, the purpose for which      the authority is created, the number, terms, and manner of selection      of its officers including its governing body which shall be known as      the "commission", the powers and duties of the authority and of      its officers, the date upon which the authority becomes effective,      the name of the newspaper in which the articles of incorporation      shall be published, and any other matters.         5.  The authority shall be directed and governed by a board of      commissioners of three members, one to be elected by the board of      supervisors of the county from the area outside of the county seat,      one to be elected by the council of the city from the area inside the      city, and one to be elected by the joint action of the board of      supervisors of the county and the council of the city, and if the      governing bodies are unable to agree upon a choice for the third      member within sixty days of the election of the first member, then      the third member shall be appointed by the governor.  The      commissioners shall serve for six-year terms.  Of the first      appointees, the member appointed by the board of supervisors shall be      for a term of two years, the member appointed by the city council      shall be for a term of four years, and the member appointed by the      joint action of the board and council shall be for a term of six      years.  The board of commissioners shall designate one of their      number as chairperson, one as secretary, and one as treasurer, and      shall adopt bylaws and rules of procedure and provide therein for      regular meetings and for the proper safekeeping of its records.  No      commissioner shall receive any compensation in connection with      services as commissioner.  Each commissioner, however, shall be      entitled to reimbursement for any necessary expenditures in      connection with the performance of the commissioner's duties.         6.  The articles of incorporation shall be recorded in the office      of the county recorder and filed with the secretary of state, and      shall be published once in a newspaper designated in the articles of      incorporation and having a general circulation within the county, and      upon such recording and publication, the authority shall be deemed to      come into existence.         7.  Amendments may be made to the articles of incorporation if      adopted by the governing body of each incorporating unit; provided      that no amendment shall impair the obligation of any bond or other      contract.  Each amendment shall be adopted, executed, recorded and      published in the same manner as specified for the original articles      of incorporation.         8.  Any incorporating unit may make donations of property, real or      personal, including gratuitous lease, to the authority as deemed      proper and appropriate in aiding the authority to effectuate its      purposes.         9.  The authority shall be a body corporate with power to sue and      be sued in any court of this state, have a seal and alter the same at      its pleasure, and make and execute contracts, leases, deeds, and      other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its      powers.  In addition, it shall have and exercise the following public      and essential governmental powers and functions and all other powers      incidental or necessary to carry out and effectuate its express      powers:         a.  To select, locate, and designate an area lying wholly      within the territorial limits of the county seat of the county in      which the authority is incorporated as the site to be acquired for      the construction, alteration, enlargement, or improvement of a      building.  The site selected is subject to approval by a majority of      the members of each governing body of the incorporating units.         b.  To acquire in the corporate name of the authority the fee      simple title to the real property located within the area by      purchase, gift, devise, or by the exercise of the power of eminent      domain consistent with the provisions of chapters 6A and 6B, or to      take possession of real estate by lease.         c.  To demolish, repair, alter, or improve any building within      the designated area, to construct a new building within the area and      to furnish, equip, maintain, and operate the building.         d.  To construct, repair, and install streets, sidewalks,      sewers, water pipes, and other similar facilities and otherwise      improve the site.         e.  To make provisions for off-street parking facilities.         f.  To operate, maintain, manage, and enter into contracts for      the operation, maintenance, and management of buildings, and to      provide rules for the operation, maintenance and management.         g.  To employ and fix the compensation of technical,      professional, and clerical assistance as necessary and expedient to      accomplish the objects and purposes of the authority.         h.  To lease all or any part of a building to the      incorporating units for a period of time not to exceed fifty years,      upon rental terms agreed upon between the authority and the      incorporating units.  The rentals specified shall be subject to      increase by agreement of the incorporating units and the authority if      necessary in order to provide funds to meet obligations.         i.  To procure insurance of any and all kinds in connection      with the building.  The bidding procedures provided in section 73A.18      shall be utilized in the procurement of insurance.         j.  To accept donations, contributions, capital grants, or      gifts from individuals, associations, municipal and private      corporations, and the United States, or any agency or instrumentality      thereof, and to enter into agreements in connection therewith.         k.  To borrow money and to issue and sell revenue bonds in an      amount and with maturity dates not in excess of fifty years from date      of issue, to provide funds for the purpose of acquiring,      constructing, demolishing, improving, enlarging, equipping,      furnishing, repairing, maintaining, and operating buildings, and to      acquire and prepare sites, convenient therefor, and to pay all      incidental costs and expenses, including, but not limited to      architectural, engineering, legal, and financing expense and to      refund and refinance revenue bonds as often as deemed advantageous by      the board of commissioners.         l.  The provisions of chapter 73A applicable to other      municipalities are applicable to an authority.         10. a.  After the incorporation of an authority, and before      the sale of any issue of revenue bonds, except refunding bonds, the      authority shall submit to the voters the question of whether the      authority shall issue and sell revenue bonds.  The ballot shall state      the amount of the bonds and the purposes for which the authority is      incorporated.  All registered voters of the county shall be entitled      to vote on the question.  The question may be submitted at an      election held on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4,      paragraph "a" or "b", as applicable.  An affirmative vote of      a majority of the votes cast on the question is required to authorize      the issuance and sale of revenue bonds.         b.  In addition to the notice required by section 49.53, a      notice of the election shall be published once each week for at least      two weeks in some newspaper published in the county stating the date      of the election, the hours the polls will be open, and a copy of the      question.  The authority shall call this election with the      concurrence of both incorporating units.  The election shall be      conducted by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of      chapters 49 and 50.         11.  When the board of commissioners decides to issue bonds      subject to the election requirement, it shall adopt a resolution      describing the area to be acquired, the nature of the existing      improvements, the disposition to be made of the improvements, and a      general description of any new buildings to be constructed.         12.  The resolution shall set out the limit of the cost of the      project, including the cost of acquiring and preparing the site,      determine the period of usefulness and fix the amount of revenue      bonds to be issued, the date or dates of maturity, the dates on which      interest is payable, the sinking fund provisions, and all other      details in connection with the bonds.  The board shall determine and      fix the rate of interest of any revenue bonds issued, in a resolution      adopted by the board prior to the issuance.  The resolution, trust      agreement, or other contract entered into with the bondholders may      contain covenants and restrictions concerning the issuance of      additional revenue bonds as necessary or advisable for the assurance      of the payment of the bonds authorized.         13.  Bonds shall be issued in the name of the authority and are      declared to have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable      instruments under the laws of this state.         14.  Bonds issued under this section may be issued as serial or      term bonds, shall be of such denomination or denominations and form,      including interest coupons to be attached, shall be payable at such      place or places and bear such date as the board of commissioners fix      by the resolution authorizing the bonds, shall mature within a period      not to exceed fifty years, and may be redeemable prior to maturity      with or without premium, at the option of the board of commissioners,      upon terms and conditions the board shall fix by the resolution      authorizing the issuance of bonds.  The board of commissioners may      provide for the registration of bonds in the name of the owner as to      the principal alone or as to both principal and interest upon terms      and conditions the board determines.  All bonds issued by an      authority shall be sold at a price so that the interest cost to the      commission of the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed that      permitted by chapter 74A, payable semiannually, computed to maturity,      and shall be sold in the manner and at the time the board of      commissioners determines.         15.  Bonds issued by an authority, and the interest thereon, shall      be payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation,      management, or use of the buildings acquired or to be acquired by the      authority, which revenues shall include payments received under any      leases or other contracts for the use of the buildings.  Bonds shall      recite that the principal and interest thereon are payable only from      the revenues pledged, and shall state on their face that they are not      an indebtedness of the authority or a claim against the property of      the authority.         16.  Bonds shall be executed in the name of the commission by the      chairperson of the board of commissioners or by another officer of      the commission as the board, by resolution, may direct, and be      attested by the secretary, or by another officer of the commission as      the board, by resolution, may direct, and shall be sealed with the      commission's corporate seal.  In case any officer whose signature      appears on the bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before      delivery of the bonds, the officer's signature shall be valid and      sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the officer had remained      in office until delivery.         17.  In its discretion, the authority may issue refunding bonds to      refund its bonds prior to their maturity, refund its outstanding      matured bonds, refund matured coupons evidencing interest upon its      outstanding bonds, refund interest at the coupon rate that has      accrued upon its outstanding matured bonds, and refund its bonds      which by their terms are subject to call or redemption before      maturity.  All bonds redeemed or purchased shall be canceled.         18.  To secure the payment of revenue bonds and for the purpose of      setting forth the covenants and undertakings of the authority in      connection with the issuance of revenue bonds and the issuance of any      additional revenue bonds payable from such revenue income to be      derived from the operation, management, or use of the buildings      acquired or to be acquired by the authority, the authority may      execute and deliver a trust agreement except that no lien upon any      physical property of the authority shall be created.         19.  The resolution shall provide for the creation of a sinking      fund account into which shall be payable from the revenues of the      project, from month to month as such revenues are collected, the sums      in excess of the cost of maintenance and operation of the project and      the cost of administration of the authority, sufficient to comply      with the covenants of the bond resolution and sufficient to pay the      accruing interest and retire the bonds at maturity.  The board of      commissioners, in a resolution, may provide for other accounts as      necessary for the sale of the bonds.  Moneys in the accounts shall be      applied in the manner provided by the resolution, the trust      agreement, or other contract with the bondholders.         20.  No such bonds shall constitute a debt of the authority or of      any public body within the meaning of any statutory or constitutional      limitation as to debt.         21.  From and after the issuance of bonds the board of      commissioners shall establish and fix rates, rentals, fees, and      charges for the use of any and all buildings or space owned and      operated by the authority, sufficient at all times to pay maintenance      and operation costs and to pay the accruing interest and retire the      bonds at maturity and to make all payments to all accounts created by      any bond resolution and to comply with all covenants of any bond      resolution.         22.  When an incorporating unit enters into a lease with the      authority, the governing body of the incorporating unit shall provide      by ordinance or resolution for the levy and collection of a direct      annual tax sufficient to pay the annual rent payable under the lease      as and when it becomes due and payable.  The tax shall be levied and      collected in like manner with the other taxes of the incorporating      unit and shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be      levied by that incorporating unit.  This tax shall not be included      within and shall be in addition to any statutory limitation of rate      or amount for that incorporating unit.  The fund realized from the      tax levy shall be set aside for the payment of the annual rent and      shall not be disbursed for any other purpose until the annual rental      has been paid in full.         23.  All leases, contracts, deeds of conveyance, bonds, or other      instruments in writing on behalf of the authority, shall be executed      in the name of the authority by the chairperson and secretary of the      authority, or by other officers as the board of commissioners, by      resolution, directs, and the seal of the authority shall be affixed.         24.  All property owned by any authority shall be exempt from      taxation by the state or any taxing unit of the state.  However, any      interest derived from bonds issued by the authority shall be subject      to taxation.         25. a.  When all bonds issued by an authority have been      retired, the authority may convey the title to the property owned by      the authority to the incorporating units in accordance with the      provisions contained in the articles of incorporation.  If articles      of incorporation do not exist, the conveyance may be made in      accordance with any agreement adopted by the respective governing      bodies of the incorporating units and the authority.         b.  The question of whether a conveyance shall be made shall      be submitted to the registered voters of the county.  An affirmative      vote equal to at least a majority of the total votes cast on the      question shall be required to authorize the conveyance.  If the      question does not carry, the authority shall continue to operate,      maintain, and manage the building under a lease arrangement with the      incorporating units.         26.  Any incorporating unit may enter into a lease with an      authority that the authority and the incorporating unit determine is      necessary and convenient to effectuate their purposes and the      purposes of this section.  The power to enter into leases under this      section is in addition to other powers granted to cities and counties      to enter into leases and the provisions of chapter 75, section 364.4,      subsection 4, and section 331.301, subsection 10, are not applicable      to leases entered into under this section.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C62, § 368.50--368.53; C66, 71, 73, § 368.54, 368.55,      368.57--368.71; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 346.27] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         95 Acts, ch 67, §53; 2002 Acts, ch 1134, §100, 101, 115; 2003      Acts, ch 178, §26; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §247, 248, 287; 2006 Acts, 1st      Ex, ch 1001, §31, 49; 2008 Acts, ch 1115, §56, 71         Referred to in § 331.424, 384.12 
         2006 amendment to subsection 9, paragraph b, takes effect July 14,      2006, and applies to applications for condemnation filed pursuant to      §6B.3 on or after that date; 2006 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1001, §49