314.3  CLAIMS -- APPROVAL AND PAYMENT.         All claims for construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair,      or maintenance on any highway shall be itemized on voucher forms      prepared for that purpose, certified to by the claimants and by the      engineer in charge, and then forwarded to the agency in control of      that highway for final audit and approval.  Claims payable from the      farm-to-market road fund shall be approved by both the board of      supervisors and the department.  Upon approval by the department of      vouchers which are payable from the farm-to-market road fund, or from      the primary road fund, as the case may be, such vouchers shall be      forwarded to the director of the department of administrative      services, who shall draw warrants therefor and said warrants shall be      paid by the treasurer of the state from the farm-to-market road fund      or from the primary road fund, as the case may be.         If the engineer makes such certificate or a member of the agency      approves such claim when said work has not been done in accordance      with the plans and specifications, and said work be not promptly made      good without additional cost, the engineer or member shall be liable      on the person's bond for the amount of such claim.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [SS15, § 1527-s10; C24, § 4653, 4702; C27, 31, 35, § 4653,      4755-b15; C39, § 4653, 4686.17, 4755.15; C46, § 309.59, 310.17,      313.15; C50, § 308A.12; C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §      314.3] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §286