312.3  APPORTIONMENT TO COUNTIES AND CITIES.         The treasurer of state shall, on the first day of each month:         1.  For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, apportion among the      counties the road use tax funds credited to the secondary road fund      by using the allocation method contained in section 312.3, subsection      1, Code 2005.  For subsequent fiscal years, apportion among the      counties the road use tax funds credited to the secondary road fund      by using the distribution methodology adopted pursuant to section      312.3C.         2. a.  Apportion among the cities of the state, in the ratio      which the population of each city, as shown by the latest available      federal census, bears to the total population of all such cities in      the state, the percentage of the road use tax funds which is credited      to the street construction fund of the cities, and shall remit to the      city clerk of each such city the amount so apportioned to such city.      A city may have one special federal census taken each decade, and the      population figure thus obtained shall be used in apportioning amounts      under this subsection beginning the calendar year following the year      in which the special census is certified by the secretary of state.         b.  The apportionment of moneys from the street construction      fund of the cities to a city with a farm-to-market extension under      county jurisdiction pursuant to section 306.4 shall be reduced in the      proportion which the share of mileage of the farm-to-market extension      bears to the total mileage of streets within the city.  The amount of      moneys by which the apportionment to the city is reduced shall be      transferred to the secondary road fund of the respective county, to      be used only for the maintenance or construction of roads under the      county's jurisdiction, and all interest and earnings on the moneys      transferred shall remain in the secondary road fund of the county, to      be used for the same purposes.         c.  The apportionment of moneys from the transfer of      jurisdiction fund pursuant to section 313.4, subsection 6, paragraph      "b", subparagraph (1), to a city with a street under county      jurisdiction pursuant to section 306.4, subsection 3, shall be      transferred to the secondary road fund of the respective county.         3.  In any case where a city has been incorporated since the      latest available federal census the mayor and council shall certify      to the state treasurer the actual population of such incorporated      city as of the date of incorporation and its apportionment of funds      under this section shall be based upon such certification until the      next federal census enumeration.  Any community which has dissolved      its corporation shall not receive any apportionment of funds under      this certificate for any period after said corporation has been      dissolved.         4.  In any case where a city has annexed any territory since the      last available federal census or special federal census, the mayor      and council shall certify to the treasurer of state the actual      population of such annexed territory as determined by the last      certified federal census of said territory and the apportionment of      funds under this section shall be based upon the population of said      city as modified by the certification of the population of the      annexed territory until the next federal or special federal census      enumeration.         5.  In any case where two or more cities have consolidated, the      apportionment of funds under this section shall be based upon the      population of the city resulting from said consolidation and shall be      determined by combining the population of all cities involved in the      consolidation as determined by the last available federal or special      federal census enumeration for said consolidating city.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C50, § 308A.3; C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 312.3;      81 Acts, 2nd Ex, ch 2, § 3] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1219, § 18; 90 Acts, ch 1267, § 31; 91 Acts, ch 258, §      44; 92 Acts, ch 1100, § 3; 92 Acts, ch 1238, § 27, 46; 94 Acts, ch      1023, §103; 2002 Acts, ch 1063, §9, 16; 2003 Acts, ch 144, §6; 2005      Acts, ch 142, §2         Referred to in § 312.2, 312.3A, 312.3B, 312.8, 312A.3         See § 310.1