305B.2  DEFINITIONS.         As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:         1.  "Claimant" means a person who files a notice of intent to      preserve an interest in property on loan to a museum as provided in      section 305B.8.         2.  "Claimant's address" means the most recent address as      shown on a notice of intent to preserve an interest in property on      loan to a museum, or notice of change of address, which notice is on      file with the museum.         3.  "Lender" means a person whose name appears on the records      of the museum as the person legally entitled to property held or      owing by the museum.         4.  "Lender's address" means the most recent address as shown      on the museum's records pertaining to the property on loan from the      lender.         5.  "Loan" means a deposit of property not accompanied by a      transfer of title to the property.         6.  "Museum" means an institution located in Iowa operated by      a nonprofit corporation or a public agency, primarily for      educational, scientific, historic preservation, or aesthetic      purposes, which owns, borrows, cares for, exhibits, studies,      archives, or catalogs property.  "Museum" includes, but is not      limited to, historical societies, historic sites or landmarks, parks,      monuments, and libraries.         7.  "Property" means a tangible object, animate or inanimate,      under a museum's care which has intrinsic historic, artistic,      scientific, or cultural value.         8.  "Undocumented property" means property in the possession      of a museum for which the museum cannot determine by reference to the      museum's records the property's owner.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         88 Acts, ch 1117, §2         Referred to in § 305B.13