It is the policy of the state to encourage economical and
      efficient school districts which will ensure an equal educational
      opportunity to all children of the state.  All areas of the state
      shall be in school districts maintaining kindergarten and twelve
      grades.  If a school district ceases to maintain kindergarten and
      twelve grades except as otherwise provided in section 28E.9, 256.13,
      280.15, 282.7, subsection 1 or subsections 1 and 3, or section 282.8,
      it shall reorganize within six months or the state board shall attach
      the school district not maintaining kindergarten and twelve grades to
      one or more adjacent districts.  Voluntary reorganizations under this
      chapter shall be commenced only if the affected school districts are
      contiguous or marginally adjacent to one another.  A reorganized
      district shall meet the requirements of section 275.3.
         If a district is attached, division of assets and liabilities
      shall be made as provided in sections 275.29 to 275.31.  The area
      education agency boards shall develop detailed studies and surveys of
      the school districts within the area education agency and all
      adjacent territory for the purpose of providing for reorganization of
      school districts in order to effect more economical operation and the
      attainment of higher standards of education in the schools.  The
      plans shall be revised periodically to reflect reorganizations which
      may have taken place in the area education agency and adjacent
         As used in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:
         1.  "Eligible elector" means eligible elector as defined in
      section 39.3, subsection 6.
         2.  "Initial board" means the board of a newly reorganized
      district that is selected pursuant to section 275.25 or 275.41 and
      functions until the organizational meeting following the third
      regular school election held after the effective date of the
         3.  "Marginally adjacent district" or "marginally adjacent
      territory" means a district or territory which is separated from a
      second district or territory by property which is part of a third
      school district which completely surrounds one of the two districts.

         4.  "Registered voter" means registered voter as defined in
      section 39.3, subsection 11.
         5.  "Regular board" means the board of a reorganized district
      that begins to function at the organizational meeting following the
      third regular school election held after the effective date of the
      school reorganization, and is comprised of members who were elected
      to the current terms or were appointed to replace members who were
         6.  "School districts affected" means the school districts
      named in the reorganization petition whether a school district is
      affected in whole or in part.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C97, § 2798; SS15, § 2794-a; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 4152,
      4154; C46, 50, § 274.37, 275.1, 276.1; C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75,
      77, 79, 81, § 275.1; 82 Acts, ch 1113, § 1] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         83 Acts, ch 31, § 2; 84 Acts, ch 1078, § 1; 85 Acts, ch 212, §7;
      88 Acts, ch 1263, § 2; 92 Acts, ch 1246, § 41, 42; 93 Acts, ch 160, §
      3; 94 Acts, ch 1023, §100; 94 Acts, ch 1169, §65; 2008 Acts, ch 1115,
      §11, 21
         Referred to in § 257.3, 257.4, 275.9, 280.15, 282.7, 594A.6,