252I.6 ADMINISTRATIVE LEVY -- NOTICE TO SUPPORT OBLIGOR. 1. The unit may administratively initiate an action to seize accounts of an obligor who is subject to this chapter under section 252I.2. 2. The unit shall notify an obligor subject to this chapter, and any other party known to have an interest in the account, of the action. The notice shall contain all of the following: a. The name of the obligor. b. A statement that the obligor is believed to have one or more accounts at the financial institution. c. A statement that pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the obligor's accounts are subject to seizure and the financial institution is authorized and required to forward moneys to the collection services center. d. The maximum amount to be forwarded by the financial institution, which shall not exceed the delinquent or accrued amount of support owed by the obligor. e. The prescribed time frames within which the financial institution must comply. f. A statement that any challenge to the action shall be in writing and shall be received by the child support recovery unit within ten days of the date of the notice to the obligor. g. The address of the collection services center and the collection services center account number. h. A telephone number, address, and contact name for the child support recovery unit contact initiating the action. 3. The unit shall forward the notice to the obligor by regular mail within two working days of sending the notice to the financial institution pursuant to section 252I.5. Proof of service shall be completed according to rule of civil procedure 1.442.Section History: Recent Form
94 Acts, ch 1101, §6; 2008 Acts, ch 1019, §10