210.10  BUSHEL MEASURE.
         When any of the commodities enumerated in this section shall be
      sold by the bushel or fractional part thereof, except when sold in a
      United States standard container or as provided in sections 210.11
      and 210.12, the measure shall be determined by avoirdupois weight and
      shall be computed as follows:

               Commodities                          Pounds
                  Apples ....................           48
                  Apples, dried ....................    24
                  Alfalfa seed ....................     60
                  Barley ....................           48
                  Beans, green, unshelled ....................   56
                  Beans, dried ....................     60
                  Beans, lima ....................      56
                  Beets ....................            56
                  Blue grass seed ....................  14
                  Bran ....................             20
                  Bromus inermis ....................   14
                  Broom corn seed ....................  50
                  Buckwheat ....................        48
                  Carrots ....................          50
                  Castor beans, shelled ....................   50
                  Charcoal ....................         20
                  Cherries ....................         40
                  Clover seed ....................      60
                  Coal ....................             80
                  Coke ....................             40
                  Corn on the cob (field) ....................   70
                  Corn in the ear, unhusked (field) ....................   75
                  Corn, shelled (field) ....................   56
                  Corn meal ....................        48
                  Cucumbers ....................        48
                  Emmer ....................            40
                  Flaxseed ....................         56
                  Grapefruit ....................       48
                  Grapes, with stems ....................   40
                  Hempseed ....................         44
                  Hickory nuts, hulled ....................   50
                  Hungarian grass seed ....................   50
                  Kaffir corn ....................      56
                  Lemons ....................           48
                  Lime ....................             80
                  Millet seed ....................      50
                  Oats ....................             32
                  Onions ....................           52
                  Onion top sets ....................   28
                  Onion bottom sets ....................   32
                  Oranges ....................          48
                  Orchard grass seed ....................   14
                  Osage orange seed ....................   32
                  Parsnips ....................         45
                  Peaches ....................          48
                  Peaches, dried ....................   33
                  Peanuts ....................          22
                  Pears ....................            45
                  Peas, green, unshelled ....................   50
                  Peas, dried ....................      60
                  Plums ....................            48
                  Popcorn, on the cob ....................   70
                  Popcorn, shelled .................... 56
                  Potatoes ....................         60
                  Quinces ....................          48
                  Rape seed ....................        50
                  Redtop seed ....................      14
                  Rutabagas ....................        60
                  Rye ....................              56
                  Salt ....................             80
                  Sand ....................            130
                  Shorts ....................           20
                  Sorghum saccharatum seed ....................   50
                  Soybeans ....................         60
                  Spelt ....................            40
                  Sweet corn ....................       50
                  Sweet potatoes ....................   50
                  Timothy seed ....................     45
                  Tomatoes ....................         50
                  Turnips ....................          55
                  Walnuts, hulled ....................  50
                  Wheat ....................            60
                  All root crops not specified above ....................   50

         Section History: Early Form
         [C51, § 940; R60, § 1778, 1781--1784; C73, § 2049; C97, § 3016;
      S13, § 3009-h; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 3236; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62,
      66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 210.10]
         Referred to in § 210.8, 717A.1