1.  The department shall establish, as a separate and distinct
      division within the department, a division of tobacco use prevention
      and control.  The division shall develop, implement, and administer
      the initiative established in this chapter and shall perform other
      duties as directed by this chapter or as assigned by the director of
      public health.
         2.  A commission on tobacco use prevention and control is
      established to develop policy, provide direction for the initiative,
      and perform all other duties related to the initiative and other
      tobacco use prevention and control activities as directed by this
      chapter or referred to the commission by the director of public
         3.  The membership of the commission shall include the following
      voting members who shall serve three-year, staggered terms:
         a.  Members, at least one of whom is a member of a racial
      minority, to be appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by
      the senate pursuant to sections 2.32 and 69.19, and consisting of the
         (1)  Three members who are active with nonprofit health
      organizations that emphasize tobacco use prevention or who are active
      as health services providers, at the local level.
         (2)  One member who is a retailer.
         (3)  Three members who are active with health promotion activities
      at the local level in youth education, law enforcement, nonprofit
      services, or other activities relating to tobacco use prevention and
         b.  Three voting members, to be selected by the participants
      in the annual statewide youth summit of the initiative's youth
      program, who shall not be subject to section 69.16 or 69.16A.
      However, the selection process shall provide for diversity among the
      members and at least one of the youth members shall be a female.
         4.  The commission shall also include the following ex officio,
      nonvoting members:
         a.  Four members of the general assembly, with not more than
      one member from each chamber being from the same political party.
      The majority leader of the senate and the minority leader of the
      senate shall each appoint one of the senate members.  The majority
      leader of the house and the minority leader of the house of
      representatives shall each appoint one of the house members.
         b.  The presiding officer of the statewide youth executive
      body, selected by the delegates to the statewide youth summit.
         5.  In addition to the members of the commission, the following
      agencies, organizations, and persons shall each assign a single
      liaison to the commission to provide assistance to the commission in
      the discharge of the commission's duties:
         a.  The department of education.
         b.  The drug policy coordinator.
         c.  The department of justice, office of the attorney general.

         d.  The department of human services.
         e.  The alcoholic beverages division of the department of
         6.  Citizen members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
      expenses incurred in performance of their duties.  Citizen members
      shall be paid a per diem as specified in section 7E.6.  Legislative
      members are eligible for per diem and expenses as provided in section
         7.  A member of the commission who is convicted of a crime
      relating to tobacco, alcohol, or controlled substances is subject to
      removal from the commission.
         8.  A vacancy on the commission other than for the youth members
      shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for
      the balance of the unexpired term.  A youth member vacancy shall be
      filled by the presiding officer of the statewide executive body as
      selected by the delegates to the statewide youth summit.
         9.  The commission shall elect a chairperson from among its voting
      members and may select other officers from among its voting members,
      as determined necessary by the commission.  The commission shall meet
      regularly as determined by the commission, upon the call of the
      chairperson, or upon the call of a majority of the voting members.
         10.  The commission may designate an advisory council.  The
      commission shall determine the membership and representation of the
      advisory council and members of the council shall serve at the
      pleasure of the commission.  The advisory council may include
      representatives of health care provider groups, parent groups,
      antitobacco advocacy programs and organizations, tobacco retailers,
      research and evaluation experts, and youth organizers.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2000 Acts, ch 1192, §3, 17; 2004 Acts, ch 1176, §6; 2009 Acts, ch
      133, §42