1.  For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise
         a.  "Brain injury" means a brain injury as defined in section
         b.  "Council" means the advisory council on brain injuries.
         2.  The advisory council on brain injuries is established.  The
      following persons or their designees shall serve as ex officio,
      nonvoting members of the council:
         a.  The director of public health.
         b.  The director of human services and any division
      administrators of the department of human services so assigned by the
         c.  The director of the department of education.
         d.  The chief of the special education bureau of the
      department of education.
         e.  The administrator of the division of vocational
      rehabilitation services of the department of education.
         f.  The director of the department for the blind.
         g.  The commissioner of insurance.
         3.  The council shall be composed of a minimum of nine members
      appointed by the governor in addition to the ex officio members, and
      the governor may appoint additional members.  Insofar as practicable,
      the council shall include persons with brain injuries; family members
      of persons with brain injuries; representatives of industry, labor,
      business, and agriculture; representatives of federal, state, and
      local government; and representatives of religious, charitable,
      fraternal, civic, educational, medical, legal, veteran, welfare, and
      other professional groups and organizations.  Members shall be
      appointed representing every geographic and employment area of the
      state and shall include members of both sexes.  A simple majority of
      the members appointed by the governor shall constitute a quorum.
         4.  Members of the council appointed by the governor shall be
      appointed for terms of two years.  Vacancies on the council shall be
      filled for the remainder of the term of the original appointment.
      Members whose terms expire may be reappointed.
         5.  The voting members of the council shall appoint a chairperson
      and a vice chairperson and other officers as the council deems
      necessary.  The officers shall serve until their successors are
      appointed and qualified.  Members of the council shall receive actual
      expenses for their services.  Members may also be eligible to receive
      compensation as provided in section 7E.6.  The council shall adopt
      rules pursuant to chapter 17A.
         6.  The council shall do all of the following:
         a.  Promote meetings and programs for the discussion of
      methods to reduce the debilitating effects of brain injuries, and
      disseminate information in cooperation with any other department,
      agency, or entity on the prevention, evaluation, care, treatment, and
      rehabilitation of persons affected by brain injuries.
         b.  Study and review current prevention, evaluation, care,
      treatment, and rehabilitation technologies and recommend appropriate
      preparation, training, retraining, and distribution of personnel and
      resources in the provision of services to persons with brain injuries
      through private and public residential facilities, day programs, and
      other specialized services.
         c.  Participate in developing and disseminating criteria and
      standards which may be required for future funding or licensing of
      facilities, day programs, and other specialized services for persons
      with brain injuries in this state.
         d.  Make recommendations to the governor for developing and
      administering a state plan to provide services for persons with brain
         e.  Meet at least quarterly.
         7.  The department is designated as Iowa's lead agency for brain
      injury.  For the purposes of this section, the designation of lead
      agency authorizes the department to perform or oversee the
      performance of those functions specified in subsection 6, paragraphs
      "a" through "c".  The council is assigned to the department
      for administrative purposes.  The director shall be responsible for
      budgeting, program coordination, and related management functions.
         8.  The council may receive gifts, grants, or donations made for
      any of the purposes of its programs and disburse and administer them
      in accordance with their terms and under the direction of the
         Section History: Recent Form
         92 Acts, ch 1237, § 7; 94 Acts, ch 1068, §4; 94 Acts, ch 1109, §2;
      97 Acts, ch 203, §13; 99 Acts, ch 141, §4; 2000 Acts, ch 1058, §15;
      2005 Acts, ch 89, §4; 2006 Acts, ch 1184, §77
         Referred to in § 135.22B, 225C.23
         For definition of "brain injury" for purposes of recognition as a
      disability, see also §225C.23