1.  Definitions.  For purposes of this section:
         a.  "Nonqualified service" means any of the following:
         (1)  Service that is not qualified service.
         (2)  Any period of time for which there was no performance of
         (3)  Service as described in subsection 1, paragraph "c",
      subparagraph (2).
         b.  "Permissive service credit" means credit that will be
      recognized by the retirement system for purposes of calculating a
      member's benefit, for which the member did not previously receive
      service credit in the retirement system, and for which the member
      voluntarily contributes to the retirement system the amount required
      by the retirement system, not in excess of the amount necessary to
      fund the benefit attributable to such service.
         c. (1)  "Qualified service" means any of the following:
         (a)  Service with the United States government or any state or
      local government, including any agency or instrumentality thereof,
      regardless of whether that government, agency, or instrumentality was
      a covered employer at the time of the service.
         (b)  Service with an association representing employees of the
      United States government or any state or local government, including
      any agency or instrumentality thereof, regardless of whether that
      government, agency, or instrumentality was a covered employer at the
      time of the service.
         (c)  Service with an educational organization which normally
      maintains a regular faculty and curriculum, normally has a regularly
      enrolled body of pupils or students in attendance at the place where
      its educational activities are regularly carried on, and is a public,
      private, or sectarian school which provides elementary education or
      secondary education through grade twelve.
         (d)  Military service other than military service required to be
      recognized under Internal Revenue Code section 414(u) or under the
      federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
         (e)  Service as a member of the general assembly.
         (f)  Previous service as a county attorney by a part-time county
         (g)  Service in public employment comparable to employment covered
      under this chapter in another state or in the federal government, or
      service as a member of another public retirement system in this
      state, including but not limited to the teachers insurance and
      annuity association-college retirement equities fund (TIAA-CREF), if
      the member was not retired under that system and has no further claim
      upon a retirement benefit from that other public system.
         (h)  Service as a member of the retirement system at any time on
      or after July 4, 1953, if the member received a refund of the
      member's accumulated contributions for that period of membership
         (i)  An approved leave of absence which does not constitute
      service as defined in section 97B.1A, which is granted on or after
      July 1, 1998.
         (j)  Employment of a person who at the time of the employment was
      not covered by this chapter, was employed by a covered employer under
      this chapter, and did not opt out of coverage under this chapter.
         (k)  Employment of a person as an adjunct instructor as defined in
      section 97B.1A, subsection 8.
         (2)  "Qualified service" does not include service as described
      in subparagraph (1) if the receipt of credit for such service would
      result in the member receiving a retirement benefit under more than
      one retirement plan for the same period of service.
         2. a.  A vested or retired member may make contributions to
      the retirement system to purchase up to the maximum amount of
      permissive service credit for qualified service as determined by the
      system, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 415(n), the
      requirements of this section, and the system's administrative rules.

         b.  A vested or retired member of the retirement system may
      make contributions to the retirement system to purchase up to a
      maximum of twenty quarters of permissive service credit for
      nonqualified service as determined by the system, pursuant to
      Internal Revenue Code section 415(n), the requirements of this
      section, and the system's administrative rules.  A vested or retired
      member must have at least twenty quarters of covered wages in order
      to purchase permissive service credit for nonqualified service.
         c.  A vested or retired member may convert regular member
      service credit to special service credit by payment of the amount
      actuarially determined as necessary to fund the resulting increase in
      the member's accrued benefit.  The conversion shall be treated as a
      purchase of qualified service credit subject to the requirements of
      paragraph "a" if the service credit to be converted was or would
      have been for qualified service.  The conversion shall be treated as
      a purchase of nonqualified service credit subject to the requirements
      of paragraph "b" if the service credit to be converted was
      purchased as nonqualified service credit.
         3. a.  A member making contributions for a purchase of
      permissive service credit under this section, except as otherwise
      provided by this subsection, shall make contributions in an amount
      equal to the actuarial cost of the permissive service credit
         b.  For a member making contributions for a purchase of
      permissive service credit for qualified service as described in
      subsection 1, paragraph "c", subparagraph (1), subparagraph
      division (e), under this section, the member shall make contributions
      in an amount equal to forty percent of the actuarial cost of the
      service purchase.  There is appropriated from the general fund of the
      state to the system an amount sufficient to pay sixty percent of the
      actuarial cost of the service purchase by a member pursuant to this
         c.  For a member making contributions for a purchase of
      permissive service credit for qualified service as described in
      subsection 1, paragraph "c", subparagraph (1), subparagraph
      division (f), under this section, the member shall make contributions
      in an amount equal to forty percent of the actuarial cost of the
      service purchase.  Upon notification of the applicable county board
      of supervisors of the member's election, the county board of
      supervisors shall pay to the system an amount sufficient to pay sixty
      percent of the actuarial cost of the service purchase by a member
      pursuant to this paragraph.
         d.  For a member making contributions for a purchase of
      permissive service credit for qualified service as described in
      subsection 1, paragraph "c", subparagraph (1), subparagraph
      division (h), in which, prior to July 1, 1998, the member received a
      refund of the member's accumulated contributions and subsequently
      returned to covered employment as a full-time employee for whom
      coverage under this chapter was mandatory the member shall receive a
      credit against the actuarial cost of the service purchase equal to
      the amount of the member's employer's accumulated contributions which
      were not paid to the member as a refund pursuant to section 97B.53
      plus interest as calculated pursuant to section 97B.70.
         e.  For purposes of this subsection, the actuarial cost of the
      service purchase is an amount determined by the system in accordance
      with actuarial tables, as reported to the system by the system's
      actuary, which reflects the actuarial cost necessary to fund an
      increased retirement allowance resulting from the purchase of
      permissive service credit.
         4.  Effective July 1, 2004, a member eligible for an increased
      retirement allowance because of the payment of contributions under
      this or any other section providing for the purchase of service
      credit is entitled to adjusted payments beginning with the month in
      which the member pays contributions under the applicable section.
         5.  Effective July 1, 2004, a purchase of service made in
      accordance with this or any other section providing for the purchase
      of service credit by a retired reemployed member shall be applied to
      the member's original retirement allowance.  The member is eligible
      to receive adjustment payments beginning with the month of the
         6.  A member who is entitled to a benefit from another public
      retirement system and wishes to purchase the service covered by that
      public retirement system must waive, on a form provided by the Iowa
      public employees' retirement system, all rights to a retirement
      benefit under that other public system before purchasing credit in
      this system for the period of service covered by that other public
      system.  The waiver must be accepted by the other public system.  If
      the waiver is not obtained, a member may buy up to twenty quarters of
      such service credit.  In no event can a member receive more than one
      service credit for any given calendar quarter.
         7.  The system shall ensure that the member, in exercising an
      option provided in this section, does not exceed the amount of annual
      additions to a member's account permitted pursuant to section 415 of
      the federal Internal Revenue Code.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2002 Acts, ch 1135, §33; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2004 Acts, ch
      1103, §53--56; 2008 Acts, ch 1171, §41--43, 48, 49; 2009 Acts, ch 41,
         Referred to in § 97B.43, 97B.50, 97B.82
         Payment of applicable contribution amount to replace contributions
      not made because of employer-mandated reductions in hours during the
      time period beginning on or after January 1, 2009, and ending June
      30, 2010; 2009 Acts, ch 170, §51, 55