1.  Investment and investment policy standards.  In
      establishing the investment policy of the retirement fund and
      providing for the investment of the retirement fund, the system and
      board shall do the following:
         a.  Exercise the judgment and care, under the circumstances
      then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and
      intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for
      the purpose of speculation, but with regard to the permanent
      disposition of the funds, considering the probable income, as well as
      the probable safety, of their capital.
         b.  Give appropriate consideration to those facts and
      circumstances that the system and board know or should know are
      relevant to the particular investment or investment policy involved,
      including the role the investment plays in the total value of the
      retirement fund.
         c.  For the purposes of this subsection, appropriate
      consideration includes, but is not limited to, a determination that
      the particular investment or investment policy is reasonably designed
      to further the purposes of the retirement system, taking into
      consideration the risk of loss and the opportunity for gain or income
      associated with the investment or investment policy and consideration
      of the following factors as they relate to the retirement fund:
         (1)  The composition of the retirement fund with regard to
         (2)  The liquidity and current return of the investments in the
      retirement fund relative to the anticipated cash flow requirements of
      the retirement system.
         (3)  The projected return of the investments relative to the
      funding objectives of the retirement system.
         2.  Investment acquisitions.  Within the limitations of the
      investment standards prescribed in this section, the system may
      acquire and retain every kind of property and every kind of
      investment which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence
      acquire or retain for their own account.  Consistent with this
      section, investments shall be made in a manner that will enhance the
      economy of this state, and in particular, will result in increased
      employment of the residents of this state.  Investments of moneys in
      the retirement fund are not subject to sections 73.15 through 73.21.

         3.  Liability -- reimbursement.  Except as provided in section
      97B.4, subsection 7, if there is loss to the retirement fund, the
      treasurer of state, the system, the employees of the system, the
      members of the board severally, and the board are not personally
      liable, and the loss shall be charged against the retirement fund.
      There is appropriated from the retirement fund the amount required to
      cover a loss.
         4.  Investment procedures.  In managing the investment of the
      retirement fund, the system, in accordance with the investment policy
      established by the board, is authorized to do the following:
         a.  To sell any securities or other property in the retirement
      fund and reinvest the proceeds when such action may be deemed
      advisable by the system for the protection of the retirement fund or
      the preservation of the value of the investment.  Such sale of
      securities or other property of the retirement fund and reinvestment
      shall only be made in accordance with policies of the board in the
      manner and to the extent provided in this chapter.
         b.  To subscribe for the purchase of securities for future
      delivery in anticipation of future income.  The securities shall be
      paid for by anticipated income or from funds from the sale of
      securities or other property held by the retirement fund.
         c.  To pay for securities directed to be purchased upon the
      receipt of the purchasing bank's paid statement or paid confirmation
      of purchase.
         5.  Travel.  In the administration of the investment of moneys
      in the retirement fund, employees of the system and members of the
      board may travel outside the state for the purpose of meeting with
      investment firms and consultants and attending conferences and
      meetings to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.  This travel is
      not subject to section 8A.512, subsection 2.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2001 Acts, ch 68, §11, 24; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §174, 286
         Referred to in § 8A.512, 12.8, 12B.10, 12C.5, 12C.10, 97A.7,
      97B.4, 97B.8A, 257B.20, 411.7, 412.4, 602.9111