1.  A member has a bona fide retirement when the member terminates
      all employment covered under the chapter or formerly covered under
      the chapter pursuant to section 97B.42, files a completed application
      for benefits form with the system, survives into the month for which
      benefits are first payable, and meets the following applicable
         a.  For a member whose first month of entitlement is prior to
      July 1, 1998, the member does not return to covered employment until
      the member has qualified for no fewer than four calendar months of
      retirement benefits.
         b.  For a member whose first month of entitlement is July 1998
      or later, but before July 2000, the member does not return to any
      employment with a covered employer until the member has qualified for
      no fewer than four calendar months of retirement benefits.
         c.  For a member whose first month of entitlement is July 2000
      or later, the member does not return to any employment with a covered
      employer until the member has qualified for at least one calendar
      month of retirement benefits, and the member does not return to
      covered employment until the member has qualified for no fewer than
      four calendar months of retirement benefits.  For purposes of this
      paragraph, effective July 1, 2000, any employment with a covered
      employer does not include employment as an elective official or
      member of the general assembly if the member is not covered under
      this chapter for that employment.  For purposes of determining a bona
      fide retirement under this paragraph and for a member whose first
      month of entitlement is July 2004 or later, but before July 2010,
      covered employment does not include employment as a licensed health
      care professional by a public hospital as defined in section 249J.3,
      with the exception of public hospitals governed pursuant to chapter
         2.  A member may commence receiving retirement benefits under this
      chapter upon satisfying eligibility requirements.  However, a retired
      member who commences receiving a retirement allowance but fails to
      meet the applicable requirements of subsection 1 does not have a bona
      fide retirement and any retirement allowance received by such a
      member must be returned to the system together with interest earned
      on the retirement allowance calculated at a rate determined by the
      system.  Until the member has repaid the retirement allowance and
      interest, the system may withhold any future retirement allowance for
      which the member may qualify.
         3.  A member whose first month of entitlement is before July 1998
      and who terminates covered employment but maintains an employment
      relationship with an employer that made contributions to the
      retirement system on the member's behalf does not have a bona fide
      retirement until all employment, including employment which is not
      covered by this chapter, with such employer is terminated for at
      least thirty days.  In order to receive retirement benefits, the
      member must file a completed application for benefits form with the
      system before returning to any employment with the same employer.
         4.  The requirements of this section shall apply to a lump sum
      payment as provided by section 97B.48, subsection 1, and the payment
      of contributions as provided in section 97B.48A, subsection 4.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         92 Acts, ch 1201, §55; 95 Acts, ch 102, §10; 96 Acts, ch 1187,
      §48; 98 Acts, ch 1183, §55, 56; 2000 Acts, ch 1077, §59--62; 2001
      Acts, ch 68, §21, 24; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2004 Acts, ch 1103,
      §46; 2005 Acts, ch 167, §29, 66; 2006 Acts, ch 1092, §6
         Referred to in § 97B.1A, 97B.42 
         Iowa public employees' retirement system and Iowa hospital
      association shall each report to the general assembly by October 1,
      2009, regarding the costs and effectiveness of 2004 amendment to
      subsection 1, paragraph c, providing that covered employment does not
      include employment as a licensed health care professional by certain
      public hospitals for purposes of establishing a bona fide retirement;
      2004 Acts, ch 1103, §62; 2006 Acts, ch 1092, §7