1.  Each member has the right prior to the member's retirement
      date to elect to have the member's retirement allowance payable under
      one of the options set forth in this section.  The amount of the
      optional retirement allowance selected in paragraph "a", "c",
      "d", "e", or "f" shall be the actuarial equivalent of the
      amount of the retirement allowance otherwise payable to the member as
      determined by the system in consultation with the system's actuary.
      The member shall make an election by written request to the system
      and the election is subject to the approval of the system.  If the
      member is married, election of an option under this section requires
      the written acknowledgment of the member's spouse.  However, the
      system may accept a married member's election of a benefit option
      under this section without the written acknowledgment of the member's
      spouse if the member submits a notarized statement indicating that
      the member has been unable to locate the member's spouse to obtain
      the written acknowledgment of the spouse after reasonable diligent
      efforts.  The member's election of a benefit option shall become
      effective upon filing the necessary forms, including the notarized
      statement, with the system.  The system shall not be liable to the
      member, the member's spouse, or to any other person affected by the
      member's election of a benefit option, based upon an election of
      benefit option accomplished without the written acknowledgment of the
      member's spouse.  The member may, if eligible, select one of the
      following options:
         a.  At retirement, a member may designate that upon the
      member's death, a specified amount of money shall be paid to a named
      beneficiary, and the member's monthly retirement allowance shall be
      reduced by an actuarially determined amount to provide for the lump
      sum payment.  The amount designated by the member must be in thousand
      dollar increments and shall be limited to the amount of the member's
      accumulated contributions.  The amount designated shall not lower the
      monthly retirement allowance of the member by more than one-half the
      amount payable as provided in paragraph "b".  A member may
      designate a different beneficiary at any time, except as limited by
      an order that has been accepted by the system as complying with the
      requirements of section 97B.39.  The election of a death benefit
      amount under this paragraph shall be irrevocable upon payment of the
      first monthly retirement allowance.
         b.  A member may elect a retirement allowance otherwise
      payable to the member upon retirement under the retirement system
      pursuant to this chapter, to include the applicable provisions of
      sections 97B.49A through 97B.49G, and a death benefit as provided in
      section 97B.52, subsection 3.
         c.  A member may elect an increased retirement allowance
      during the member's lifetime with no death benefit after the member's
      retirement date.
         d. (1)  A member may elect to receive a decreased retirement
      allowance during the member's lifetime and have the decreased
      retirement allowance, or a designated fraction thereof, continued
      after the member's death to another person, called a contingent
      annuitant, during the lifetime of the contingent annuitant.  The
      member cannot change the contingent annuitant after the member's
      retirement.  In case of the election of a contingent annuitant, no
      death benefits, as might otherwise be provided by this chapter, will
      be payable upon the death of either the member or the contingent
      annuitant after the member's retirement.
         (2)  In lieu of a benefit as calculated under subparagraph (1), a
      member may elect to receive a decreased retirement allowance during
      the member's lifetime and have the decreased retirement allowance, or
      a designated fraction thereof, continued after the member's death to
      another person, called a contingent annuitant, during the lifetime of
      the contingent annuitant, as determined by this subparagraph.  In
      addition, if the contingent annuitant dies prior to the death of the
      member, the member shall receive a retirement allowance beginning
      with the first month following the death of the contingent annuitant
      as if the member had selected the option provided by paragraph
      "b" at the time of the member's first retirement.  The member
      cannot change the contingent annuitant after the member's retirement.
      If a contingent annuitant receives a decreased retirement allowance
      under this subparagraph following the death of the member, no death
      benefits, as might otherwise be provided by this chapter, will be
      payable upon the death of the contingent annuitant.
         e.  A member may elect to receive a decreased retirement
      allowance during the member's lifetime with provision that in event
      of the member's death during the first one hundred twenty months of
      retirement, monthly payments of the member's decreased retirement
      allowance shall be made to the member's beneficiary until a combined
      total of one hundred twenty monthly payments have been made to the
      member and the member's beneficiary.  When the member designates
      multiple beneficiaries, the present value of the remaining payments
      shall be paid in a lump sum to each beneficiary, either in equal
      shares to the beneficiaries, or if the member specifies otherwise in
      a written request, in the specified proportion.  A member may
      designate a different beneficiary at any time, except as limited by
      an order that has been accepted by the department as complying with
      the requirements of section 97B.39.
         f.  A member retiring under section 97B.49B or 97B.49C may
      select an allowance upon retirement as provided under paragraph
      "a", "b", "c", or "e", or paragraph "d",
      subparagraph (1), and may elect to have the monthly allowance
      otherwise payable to the member pursuant to the selected paragraph or
      subparagraph recalculated as provided in this paragraph.  A member
      electing payment of a monthly allowance under this paragraph shall
      have the member's monthly allowance increased, as determined by the
      system's actuary, by an amount equal to the monthly federal social
      security benefit that would be payable to the member on the date the
      member would be first eligible to receive a reduced social security
      pension benefit based upon the member's account.  Upon reaching the
      date the member would be first eligible to receive a reduced social
      security pension benefit, the member's monthly retirement allowance
      shall be permanently reduced, as determined by the system's actuary.
      A member electing payment of an allowance under this paragraph shall
      provide the system with a copy of the estimate provided by the
      federal social security administration of the member's monthly
      federal social security benefit that would be payable on the date the
      member would be first eligible to receive a reduced social security
      pension benefit at least sixty days prior to the member's first month
      of entitlement.
         2.  The election by a member of an option stated under this
      section shall be null and void if the member dies prior to the
      member's first month of entitlement.
         3.  A member who had elected to take an option stated in this
      section, may, at any time prior to retirement, revoke such an
      election by written notice to the system.  A member shall not change
      or revoke an election once the first retirement allowance is paid.
         Section History: Early Form
         [C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 97B.51] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1285, § 13; 86 Acts, ch 1243, § 22; 92 Acts, ch 1201,
      §50; 95 Acts, ch 102, § 8; 96 Acts, ch 1187, § 42--44; 98 Acts, ch
      1183, §47--49; 2000 Acts, ch 1077, §52, 78; 2001 Acts, ch 68, §21,
      24; 2002 Acts, ch 1135, §25--27; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286
         Referred to in § 97B.25, 97B.48, 97B.48A, 97B.49E, 97B.49G,
      97B.49H, 97B.50, 97B.50A, 97B.52