         1.  Definitions.  For purposes of this section, unless the
      context otherwise provides:
         a.  "Member" means a vested member who is classified as a
      special service member under section 97B.1A, subsection 22, at the
      time of the alleged disability.  "Member" does not mean a
      volunteer fire fighter.
         b.  "Net disability retirement allowance" means the amount
      determined by subtracting the amount paid during the previous
      calendar year by the member for health insurance or similar health
      care coverage for the member and the member's dependents from the
      amount of the member's disability retirement allowance, including any
      dividends and distributions from supplemental accounts, paid for that
      year pursuant to this section.
         c.  "Reemployment comparison amount" means an amount equal to
      the current covered wages of an active special service member at the
      same position on the salary scale within the rank or position the
      member held at the time the member received a disability retirement
      allowance pursuant to this section.  If the rank or position held by
      the member at the time of retirement pursuant to this section is
      abolished, the amount shall be computed by the system as though the
      rank or position had not been abolished and salary increases had been
      granted on the same basis as granted to other ranks or positions by
      the former employer of the member.  The reemployment comparison
      amount shall not be less than the three-year average covered wage of
      the member, based on all regular and special service covered under
      this chapter.
         2.  In-service disability retirement allowance.
         a.  A member who is injured in the performance of the member's
      duties, and otherwise meets the requirements of this subsection,
      shall receive an in-service disability retirement allowance under
      this subsection, in lieu of a monthly retirement allowance as
      provided in section 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, or 97B.49G,
      as applicable.
         b.  Upon application of a member, a member who has become
      totally and permanently incapacitated for duty in the member's
      special service occupation as the natural and proximate result of an
      injury, disease, or exposure occurring or aggravated while in the
      actual performance of duty at some definite place and time shall be
      eligible to retire under this subsection, provided that the medical
      board, as established by this section, shall certify that the member
      is mentally or physically incapacitated for further performance of
      duty, that the incapacity is likely to be permanent, and that the
      member should be retired.  The system shall make the final
      determination, based on the medical evidence received, of a member's
      total and permanent disability.  However, if a person's special
      service membership in the retirement system first commenced on or
      after July 1, 2000, the member shall not be eligible for benefits
      with respect to a disability which would not exist but for a medical
      condition that was known to exist on the date that membership
      commenced.  A member who is denied a benefit under this subsection,
      by reason of a finding by the system that the member is not mentally
      or physically incapacitated for the further performance of duty,
      shall be entitled to be restored to active service in the same or
      comparable special service occupation position held by the member
      immediately prior to the application for disability benefits.
         c.  Disease under this subsection shall mean heart disease or
      any disease of the lungs or respiratory tract and shall be presumed
      to have been contracted while on active duty as a result of strain,
      exposure, or the inhalation of noxious fumes, poison, or gases.
      However, if a person's special service membership in the retirement
      system first commenced on or after July 1, 2000, and the heart
      disease or disease of the lungs or respiratory tract would not exist,
      but for a medical condition that was known to exist on the date that
      special service membership commenced, the presumption established in
      this paragraph shall not apply.
         d.  Upon retirement for an in-service disability as provided
      by this subsection, a member shall have the option to receive a
      monthly in-service disability retirement allowance calculated under
      this subsection or a monthly retirement allowance as provided in
      section 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, or 97B.49G, as
      applicable, that the member would receive if the member had attained
      fifty-five years of age.  The monthly in-service disability allowance
      calculated under this subsection shall consist of an allowance equal
      to one-twelfth of sixty percent of the member's three-year average
      covered wage or its actuarial equivalent as provided under section
         3.  Ordinary disability retirement allowance.
         a.  A member who otherwise meets the requirements of this
      subsection shall receive an ordinary disability retirement allowance
      under this subsection in lieu of a monthly retirement allowance as
      provided in section 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, or 97B.49G,
      as applicable.
         b.  Upon application of a member, a member who has become
      totally and permanently incapacitated for duty in the member's
      special service occupation shall be eligible to retire under this
      subsection, provided that the medical board, as established by this
      section, shall certify that the member is mentally or physically
      incapacitated for further performance of duty, that the incapacity is
      likely to be permanent, and that the member should be retired.  The
      system shall make the final determination, based on the medical
      evidence received, of a member's total and permanent disability.
      However, if a person's special service membership in the retirement
      system first commenced on or after July 1, 2000, the member shall not
      be eligible for benefits with respect to a disability which would not
      exist, but for a medical condition that was known to exist on the
      date that special service membership commenced.  A member who is
      denied a benefit under this subsection, by reason of a finding by the
      system that the member is not mentally or physically incapacitated
      for the further performance of duty, shall be entitled to be restored
      to active service in the same or comparable special service
      occupation position held by the member immediately prior to the
      application for disability benefits.
         c.  Upon retirement for an ordinary disability as provided by
      this subsection, a member shall receive the greater of a monthly
      ordinary disability retirement allowance calculated under this
      subsection or a monthly retirement allowance as provided in section
      97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, or 97B.49G, as applicable.  The
      monthly ordinary disability allowance calculated under this
      subsection shall consist of an allowance equal to one-twelfth of
      fifty percent of the member's three-year average covered wage or its
      actuarial equivalent as provided under section 97B.51.
         4.  Waiver of allowance.  A member receiving a disability
      retirement allowance under this section may file an application to
      receive benefits pursuant to section 97B.50, subsection 2, in lieu of
      receiving a disability retirement allowance under this section, if
      the member becomes eligible for benefits under section 97B.50,
      subsection 2.  An application to receive benefits pursuant to section
      97B.50, subsection 2, shall be filed with the system within sixty
      days after the member becomes eligible for benefits pursuant to that
      section or the member shall be ineligible to elect coverage under
      that section.  On the first of the month following the month in which
      a member's application is approved by the system, the member's
      election of coverage under section 97B.50, subsection 2, shall become
      effective and the member's eligibility to receive a disability
      retirement allowance pursuant to this section shall cease.  Benefits
      payable pursuant to section 97B.50, subsection 2, shall be calculated
      using the option choice the member selected for payment of a
      disability retirement allowance pursuant to this section.  An
      application to elect coverage under section 97B.50, subsection 2, is
      irrevocable upon approval by the system.
         5.  Offset to allowance.  Notwithstanding any provisions to
      the contrary in state law, or any applicable contract or policy, any
      amounts which may be paid or payable by the employer under any
      workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, employer-paid
      disability plan, program, or policy, or other law to a member, and
      any disability payments the member receives pursuant to the federal
      Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 423 et seq., shall be offset against
      and payable in lieu of any retirement allowance payable pursuant to
      this section on account of the same disability.
         6.  Reexamination of members retired on account of disability.

         a.  Once each year during the first five years following the
      retirement of a member under this section, and once in every
      three-year period thereafter, the system may, and upon the member's
      application shall, require any member receiving an in-service or
      ordinary disability retirement allowance who has not yet attained the
      age of fifty-five years to undergo a medical examination as arranged
      by the medical board as established by this section.  The examination
      shall be made by the medical board or by an additional physician or
      physicians designated by the medical board.  If any member receiving
      an in-service or ordinary disability retirement allowance who has not
      attained the age of fifty-five years refuses to submit to the medical
      examination, the allowance may be discontinued until the member's
      withdrawal of the refusal, and should the member's refusal continue
      for one year, all rights in and to the member's disability retirement
      allowance shall be revoked by the system.
         b.  If a member is determined under paragraph "a" to be no
      longer eligible for in-service or ordinary disability benefits, all
      benefits paid under this section shall cease.  The member shall be
      eligible to receive benefits calculated under section 97B.49B or
      97B.49C, as applicable, when the member reaches age fifty-five.
         7.  Reemployment.
         a.  If a member receiving a disability retirement allowance is
      returned to covered employment, the member's disability retirement
      allowance shall cease, the member shall again become an active
      member, and shall contribute thereafter at the same rate payable by
      similarly classified members.  If a member receiving a disability
      retirement allowance returns to special service employment, then the
      period of time the member received a disability retirement allowance
      shall constitute eligible service as defined in section 97B.49B,
      subsection 1, or section 97B.49C, subsection 1, as applicable.  Upon
      subsequent retirement, the member's retirement allowance shall be
      calculated as provided in section 97B.48A.
         b. (1)  If a member receiving a disability retirement
      allowance is engaged in a gainful occupation that is not covered
      employment, the member's disability retirement allowance shall be
      reduced, if applicable, as provided in this paragraph.
         (2)  If the member is engaged in a gainful occupation paying more
      than the difference between the member's net disability retirement
      allowance and one and one-half times the reemployment comparison
      amount for that member, then the amount of the member's disability
      retirement allowance shall be reduced to an amount such that the
      member's net disability retirement allowance plus the amount earned
      by the member shall equal one and one-half times the reemployment
      comparison amount for that member.
         (3)  The member shall submit sufficient documentation to the
      system to permit the system to determine the member's net disability
      retirement allowance and earnings from a gainful occupation that is
      not covered employment for the applicable year.
         (4)  This paragraph does not apply to a member who is at least
      fifty-five years of age and would have completed a sufficient number
      of years of service if the member had remained in active special
      service employment.  For purposes of this subparagraph, a sufficient
      number of years of service shall be the applicable years of service
      for a special service member as described in section 97B.49B or
      twenty-two for a special service member as described in section
         8.  Death benefits.  A member who is receiving an in-service
      or ordinary disability retirement allowance under this section shall
      be treated as having elected a lifetime monthly retirement allowance
      with death benefits payable under section 97B.52, subsection 3,
      unless the member elects an optional form of benefit provided under
      section 97B.51, which shall be actuarially equivalent to the lifetime
      monthly retirement allowance provided under this section.
         9.  Medical board.  The system shall designate a medical board
      to be composed of three physicians from the university of Iowa
      hospitals and clinics who shall arrange for and pass upon the medical
      examinations required under this section and shall report in writing
      to the system the conclusions and recommendations upon all matters
      duly referred to the medical board.  Each report of a medical
      examination under this section shall include the medical board's
      findings as to the extent of the member's physical or mental
      impairment.  Except as required by this section, each report shall be
      confidential and shall be maintained in accordance with the federal
      Americans With Disabilities Act, and any other state or federal law
      containing requirements for confidentiality of medical records.
         10.  Liability of third parties -- subrogation.
         a.  If a member receives an injury for which benefits are
      payable under this section, and if the injury is caused under
      circumstances creating a legal liability for damages against a third
      party other than the system, the member or the member's legal
      representative may maintain an action for damages against the third
      party.  If a member or a member's legal representative commences such
      an action, the plaintiff member or representative shall serve a copy
      of the original notice upon the system not less than ten days before
      the trial of the action, but a failure to serve the notice does not
      prejudice the rights of the system, and the following rights and
      duties ensue:
         (1)  The system shall be indemnified out of the recovery of
      damages to the extent of benefit payments made by the retirement
      system, with legal interest, except that the plaintiff member's
      attorney fees may be first allowed by the district court.
         (2)  The system has a lien on the damage claim against the third
      party and on any judgment on the damage claim for benefits for which
      the retirement system is liable.  In order to continue and preserve
      the lien, the system shall file a notice of the lien within thirty
      days after receiving a copy of the original notice in the office of
      the clerk of the district court in which the action is filed.
         b.  If a member fails to bring an action for damages against a
      third party within thirty days after the system requests the member
      in writing to do so, the system is subrogated to the rights of the
      member and may maintain the action against the third party, and may
      recover damages for the injury to the same extent that the member may
      recover damages for the injury.  If the system recovers damages in
      the action, the court shall enter judgment for distribution of the
      recovery as follows:
         (1)  A sum sufficient to repay the system for the amount of such
      benefits actually paid by the retirement system up to the time of the
      entering of the judgment.
         (2)  A sum sufficient to pay the system the present worth,
      computed at the interest rate provided in section 535.3 for court
      judgments and decrees, of the future payments of such benefits for
      which the retirement system is liable, but the sum is not a final
      adjudication of the future payment which the member is entitled to
         (3)  Any balance shall be paid to the member.
         c.  Before a settlement is effective between the system and a
      third party who is liable for any injury, the member must consent in
      writing to the settlement; and if the settlement is between the
      member and a third party, the system must consent in writing to the
      settlement; or on refusal to consent, in either case, the district
      court in the county in which either the employer of the member or the
      system is located must consent in writing to the settlement.
         d.  For purposes of subrogation under this section, a payment
      made to an injured member or the member's legal representative, by or
      on behalf of a third party or the third party's principal or agent,
      who is liable for, connected with, or involved in causing the injury
      to the member, shall be considered paid as damages because the injury
      was caused under circumstances creating a legal liability against the
      third party, whether the payment is made under a covenant not to sue,
      compromise settlement, denial of liability, or is otherwise made.
         11.  Document submissions.  A member retired under this
      section, in order to be eligible for continued receipt of retirement
      benefits, shall submit to the system any documentation the system may
      reasonably request which will provide information needed to determine
      payments to the member under this section.
         12.  Contributions.  The expenses incurred in the
      administration of this section by the system shall be paid through
      contributions as determined pursuant to section 97B.49B, subsection
      3, or section 97B.49C, subsection 3, as applicable.
         13.  Applicability -- retroactivity.
         a.  This section applies to a member who becomes disabled on
      or after July 1, 2000, and also applies to a member who becomes
      disabled prior to July 1, 2000, if the member has not terminated
      special service employment as of June 30, 2000.
         b.  To qualify for benefits under this section, a member must
      file a completed application with the system within one year of the
      member's termination of employment.  A member eligible for a
      disability retirement allowance under this section is entitled to
      receipt of retroactive adjustment payments for no more than six
      months immediately preceding the month in which the completed
      application for receipt of a disability retirement allowance under
      this section is approved.
         14.  Rules.  The system shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter
      17A specifying the application procedure for members pursuant to this
         Section History: Recent Form
         2000 Acts, ch 1077, §51; 2001 Acts, ch 68, §21, 24; 2002 Acts, ch
      1119, §126; 2002 Acts, ch 1135, §24; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2004
      Acts, ch 1101, §17, 18; 2004 Acts, ch 1103, §41; 2006 Acts, ch 1091,
         For future amendments to subsection 12 effective July 1, 2011, see
      2008 Acts, ch 1171, §37, 48, 49