1.  Cost-of-living dividend.
         a.  Effective July 1, 1997, commencing with dividends payable
      in November 1997, and for each subsequent year, all members who
      retired prior to July 1, 1990, and all beneficiaries and contingent
      annuitants of such members, shall be eligible for annual dividend
      payments, payable in November of that year, pursuant to the
      requirements of this subsection.  The dividend payable in any given
      year shall be the sum of the dollar amount of the dividend payable in
      the previous November and the dividend adjustment.  A dividend
      determined pursuant to this subsection shall not be used to increase
      the monthly benefit amount payable.  In no event shall the dividend
      payable be less than twenty-five dollars.
         b. (1)  The dividend adjustment for a given year shall be
      calculated by multiplying the total of the retiree's, beneficiary's,
      or contingent annuitant's monthly benefit payments and the dividend
      payable to the retiree, beneficiary, or contingent annuitant, in the
      previous calendar year by the applicable percentage as determined by
      this paragraph.
         (2)  The applicable percentage shall be the least of the following
         (a)  The percentage representing the percentage increase in the
      consumer price index published in the federal register by the federal
      department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, that reflects the
      percentage increase in the consumer price index for the twelve-month
      period ending June 30 of the year that the dividend is to be paid.
         (b)  The percentage representing the percentage amount the actuary
      has certified that the fund can absorb without requiring an increase
      in the employer and employee contributions to the fund.  The
      actuary's certification of such percentage amount shall be based on a
      comparison of the actuarially required contribution rate for the
      fiscal year of the dividend adjustment to the statutory contribution
      rate for that same fiscal year.  If the actuarially required
      contribution rate exceeds the statutory contribution rate for that
      same fiscal year, the percentage amount shall be zero.
         (c)  Three percent.
         c.  If a member eligible to receive a cost-of-living dividend
      dies before November 1 of a year, a cost-of-living dividend shall not
      be payable in November of that year in the name of the member.  If a
      member dies on or after November 1, but before payment of a dividend
      is made in that month, the full amount of the retirement dividend for
      that year shall be paid in the member's name upon notification of the
      member's death.
         2.  Favorable experience dividend.
         a.  Commencing January 1, 1999, all qualified recipients who
      have received a monthly allowance for at least one year as of the
      date the dividend is payable shall be eligible to receive a favorable
      experience dividend, payable on the last business day in January of
      each year pursuant to the requirements of this subsection.  If the
      qualified recipient eligible to receive a favorable experience
      dividend dies before January 1 of a year, a favorable experience
      dividend shall not be payable in January of that year in the name of
      the qualified recipient.  However, if the qualified recipient dies on
      or after January 1 but before the dividend is paid in that month, the
      full amount of the dividend payable in that month shall be paid in
      the name of the qualified recipient, upon notification of death.  For
      purposes of this paragraph, "qualified recipient" includes all
      members who retired on or after July 1, 1990, or a beneficiary or
      contingent annuitant of such a member who receives a monthly benefit,
      and a beneficiary of an active member who elects a monthly allowance
      under section 97B.52, subsection 1, paragraph "c".
         b.  A favorable experience dividend reserve account, hereafter
      called the "reserve account", is established within the
      retirement fund.  Moneys credited to the reserve account shall be
      used by the system for the purpose of providing a favorable
      experience dividend pursuant to this subsection.
         c.  Moneys shall be credited to the reserve account in the
      retirement fund as follows:
         (1)  On or before January 15, 1999, there shall be credited to the
      reserve account an amount that the system's actuary determines is
      sufficient to pay the maximum favorable experience dividend for each
      of the next following five years, based on reasonable actuarial
         (2)  Beginning with the annual actuarial valuation of the
      retirement system as of June 30, 1999, and for each annual actuarial
      valuation of the retirement system thereafter, there shall be
      credited to the reserve account on each applicable January 15
      following an actuarial valuation, an amount that represents that
      portion of the favorable actuarial experience, if any, that the
      system's actuary determines shall be credited to the reserve account
      pursuant to rules adopted by the system.
         (3)  The portion of the favorable actuarial experience, if any,
      that is not initially credited to the reserve account pursuant to
      subparagraph (2), but which, if applied to the retirement fund, would
      result in the actuarial valuation of assets exceeding the actuarial
      accrued liability of the retirement system based on the most recent
      annual actuarial valuation of the retirement system, shall be
      credited to the reserve account.
         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the
      contrary, moneys credited to the reserve account in any applicable
      year shall not exceed an amount which, if credited to the reserve
      account, would exceed an amount that the system's actuary determines
      is sufficient to pay the maximum favorable experience dividend for
      each of the next following ten years, based on reasonable actuarial
         (5)  Notwithstanding any provisions of this paragraph to the
      contrary, moneys shall not be credited to the reserve account if the
      system is not fully funded or if the system would not remain fully
      funded if moneys were credited to the reserve account.
         (6)  As used in this paragraph, "favorable actuarial
      experience" means the difference, if positive, between the
      anticipated and actual experience of the retirement system's
      actuarial assets and liabilities as measured by the system's actuary
      in the most recent annual actuarial valuation of the retirement
      system pursuant to rules adopted by the system.
         d.  The favorable experience dividend is calculated by
      multiplying the monthly retirement allowance payable to the retiree,
      beneficiary, or contingent annuitant for the previous December, or
      such other month as determined by the system, by twelve, and then
      multiplying that amount by the number of complete years the member
      has been retired or would have been retired if living as of the date
      the dividend is payable, and by the applicable percentage.  For
      purposes of this paragraph, the applicable percentage is the
      percentage, not to exceed three percent, that the system determines
      shall be applied in calculating the favorable experience dividend if
      the system determines that the reserve account is sufficiently funded
      to make a distribution.  In making its determination, the system
      shall consider, but not be limited to, the amounts credited to the
      reserve account, the distributions from the reserve account made in
      previous years, the likelihood of future credits to and distributions
      from the reserve account, and the distributions paid under subsection
         Section History: Recent Form
         98 Acts, ch 1183, §40; 2000 Acts, ch 1077, §41--45, 77; 2001 Acts,
      ch 68, §21, 24; 2002 Acts, ch 1135, §23; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §178,
      286; 2006 Acts, ch 1091, §7; 2008 Acts, ch 1171, §34, 48
         Referred to in § 97B.46, 97B.48, 97B.48A, 97B.50, 97B.51, 97B.53,
      602.11115, 602.11116