1.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this section:
         a.  "Applicable percentage" means sixty percent or, for each
      active or inactive vested member retiring on or after July 1, 1996,
      sixty percent plus, if applicable, an additional one-fourth of one
      percentage point for each additional calendar quarter of membership
      and prior service beyond thirty years of service, not to exceed a
      total of five additional percentage points.
         b.  "Fraction of years of service" means a number, not to
      exceed one, equal to the sum of the years of membership service and
      the number of years of prior service divided by thirty years.
         2.  Entitlement to monthly allowance.  Each member, upon
      retirement on or after the member's normal retirement date, is
      entitled to receive a monthly retirement allowance determined under
      this section.  For an inactive vested member the monthly retirement
      allowance shall be determined on the basis of this section and
      section 97B.50 as they are in effect on the date of the member's
         3.  Calculation of monthly allowance.  For each active or
      inactive vested member retiring on or after July 1, 1994, with four
      or more complete years of service, a monthly benefit shall be
      computed which is equal to one-twelfth of an amount equal to the
      applicable percentage of the three-year average covered wage
      multiplied by a fraction of years of service.  However, if benefits
      under this section commence on an early retirement date, the amount
      of the benefit shall be reduced in accordance with section 97B.50.
         4.  Alternative calculations.
         a.  For each active member employed before January 1, 1976,
      and retiring on or after January 1, 1976, and for each member who was
      a vested member before January 1, 1976, with four or more complete
      years of service, a formula benefit shall be determined equal to the
      larger of the benefit determined under this paragraph and paragraph
      "b" of this subsection, as applicable, the benefit determined
      under subsection 3, or the benefit determined under section 97B.49G,
      subsection 1.  The amount of the monthly formula benefit for each
      such active or vested member who retired on or after January 1, 1976,
      shall be equal to one-twelfth of one and fifty-seven hundredths
      percent per year of membership service multiplied by the member's
      average annual covered wages.  In no case shall the amount of monthly
      formula benefit accrued for membership service prior to July 1, 1967,
      be less than the monthly annuity at the normal retirement date
      determined by applying the sum of the member's accumulated
      contributions, the member's employer's accumulated contributions on
      or before June 30, 1967, and any retirement dividends standing to the
      member's credit on or before December 31, 1966, to the annuity tables
      in use by the system with due regard to the benefits payable from
      such accumulated contributions under sections 97B.52 and 97B.53.
         b.  For each member employed before January 1, 1976, who has
      qualified for prior service credit in accordance with the first
      paragraph of section 97B.43, a formula benefit shall be determined
      equal to the larger of the benefit determined under this paragraph
      and paragraph "a" of this subsection, as applicable, the benefit
      determined under subsection 3, or the benefit determined under
      section 97B.49G, subsection 1.  The amount of the monthly formula
      benefit under this paragraph shall be equal to eight-tenths of one
      percent per year of prior service credit multiplied by the monthly
      rate of the member's total remuneration not in excess of three
      thousand dollars annually during the twelve consecutive months of the
      member's prior service for which that total remuneration was the
      highest.  An additional three-tenths of one percent of the
      remuneration not in excess of three thousand dollars annually shall
      be payable for prior service during each year in which the accrued
      liability for benefit payments created by the abolished system is
      funded by appropriation from the Iowa public employees' retirement
         c.  For each active and vested member retiring with less than
      four complete years of service and who therefore cannot have a
      benefit determined under the formula benefit of paragraph "a" or
      "b" of this subsection, subsection 3, or section 97B.49G,
      subsection 1, a monthly annuity for membership service shall be
      determined by applying the member's accumulated contributions and the
      employer's matching accumulated contributions as of the effective
      retirement date and any retirement dividends standing to the member's
      credit on or before December 31, 1966, to the annuity tables in use
      by the system according to the member's age and contingent
      annuitant's age, if applicable.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         98 Acts, ch 1183, §35; 2001 Acts, ch 68, §21, 24; 2003 Acts, ch
      145, §286
         Referred to in § 97B.46, 97B.48, 97B.48A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C,
      97B.49D, 97B.49G, 97B.50, 97B.50A, 97B.51, 97B.53, 602.11115,