1.  The administrator of the system is the chief executive
      officer.  The chief executive officer shall be appointed by the
      governor subject to confirmation by the senate and shall serve a
      four-year term of office beginning and ending as provided in section
      69.19.  A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the
      term in the same manner as a full-term appointment is made.  The
      governor may remove the chief executive officer for malfeasance in
      office, or for any cause that renders the chief executive officer
      ineligible, incapable, or unfit to discharge the duties of the
      office.  The investment board, under the pay plan applicable to
      employees of the division, shall set the salary of the chief
      executive officer.
         2.  The qualifications for appointment as the chief executive
      officer shall include management-level pension fund administration
      experience.  The qualifications for appointment as the chief
      executive officer shall also include a demonstrated knowledge of all
      aspects of pension fund administration, including financial
      management, investment asset management, benefit design and delivery,
      legal administration, and operations administration.  The chief
      executive officer shall not be selected on the basis of political
      affiliation, and while employed as the chief executive officer, shall
      not be a member of a political committee, participate in a political
      campaign, or be a candidate for a partisan elective office, and shall
      not contribute to a political campaign fund, except that the chief
      executive officer may designate on the checkoff portion of the state
      or federal income tax return, or both, a party or parties to which a
      contribution is made pursuant to the checkoff.  The chief executive
      officer shall not hold any other office under the laws of the United
      States or of this or any state and shall devote full time to the
      duties of office.
         3.  By January 31 of the year in which the term of office of the
      chief executive officer will end, the investment board and the
      benefits advisory committee shall submit a written report to the
      governor and the secretary of the senate concerning the board's and
      committee's evaluation of the performance of the chief executive
      officer, together with a recommendation concerning the reappointment
      of the chief executive officer.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2001 Acts, ch 68, §8, 24; 2003 Acts, ch 94, §1, 2, 4; 2003 Acts,
      ch 145, §286
         Confirmation; §2.32