There is hereby created as a special fund, separate and apart from
      all other public moneys or funds of this state, the peace officers'
      retirement, accident, and disability system retirement fund,
      hereafter called the "retirement fund".  All the assets of the
      system created and established by this chapter shall be credited to
      the retirement fund.
         1.  All moneys for the payment of all pensions and other benefits
      payable from contributions made by the state and from which shall be
      paid the lump-sum death benefits for all members payable from the
      said contributions shall be accumulated in the retirement fund.  The
      refunds and benefits for all members and beneficiaries shall be
      payable from the retirement fund.  Contributions to and payments from
      the retirement fund shall be as follows:
         a.  On account of each member there shall be paid annually
      into the retirement fund by the state of Iowa an amount equal to a
      certain percentage of the earnable compensation of the member to be
      known as the "normal contribution".  The rate percent of such
      contribution shall be fixed on the basis of the liabilities of the
      retirement system as shown by annual actuarial valuations.
         b. (1)  On the basis of the actuarial methods and assumptions,
      rate of interest, and of the mortality, interest, and other tables
      adopted by the board of trustees, the board of trustees, upon the
      advice of the actuary hired by the board for that purpose, shall make
      each valuation required by this chapter pursuant to the requirements
      of section 97A.5 and shall immediately after making such valuation,
      determine the "normal contribution rate".  The normal contribution
      rate shall be the rate percent of the earnable compensation of all
      members equal to the rate required by the system to discharge its
      liabilities, stated as a percentage of the earnable compensation of
      all members, and reduced by the employee contribution rate provided
      in this subsection.  However, the normal rate of contribution shall
      not be less than seventeen percent.
         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (1) to the
      contrary, the normal contribution rate shall be as follows:
         (a)  For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, nineteen percent.

         (b)  For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009, twenty-one
         (c)  For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, twenty-three
         (d)  For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, twenty-five
         (e)  For each fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2012, the
      lesser of twenty-seven percent or the normal contribution rate as
      calculated pursuant to subparagraph (1).
         c.  The total amount payable in each year to the retirement
      fund shall not be less than the rate percent known as the normal
      contribution rate of the total compensation earnable by all members
      during the year.  However, the aggregate payment by the state shall
      be sufficient when combined with the amount in the retirement fund to
      provide the pensions and other benefits payable out of the retirement
      fund during the then current year.
         d.  All lump-sum death benefits on account of death in active
      service payable from contributions of the state shall be paid from
      the retirement fund.
         e.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph "g":
         (1)  An amount equal to three and one-tenth percent of each
      member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the member
      shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year beginning
      July 1, 1989.
         (2)  An amount equal to four and one-tenth percent of each
      member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the member
      shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year beginning
      July 1, 1990.
         (3)  An amount equal to five and one-tenth percent of each
      member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the member
      shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year beginning
      July 1, 1991.
         (4)  An amount equal to six and one-tenth percent of each member's
      compensation from the earnable compensation of the member shall be
      paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
         (5)  An amount equal to seven and one-tenth percent of each
      member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the member
      shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year beginning
      July 1, 1993.
         (6)  An amount equal to eight and one-tenth percent of each
      member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the member
      shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal period beginning
      July 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994, and an amount equal to eight
      and thirty-five hundredths percent of each member's compensation from
      the earnable compensation of the member shall be paid to the
      retirement fund for the fiscal period beginning January 1, 1995,
      through June 30, 1995.
         (7)  An amount equal to nine and thirty-five hundredths percent of
      each member's compensation from the earnable compensation of the
      member shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal year
      beginning July 1, 1995.
         (8)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
      beginning July 1, 1996, and each fiscal year thereafter, an amount
      equal to the member's contribution rate times each member's
      compensation shall be paid to the retirement fund from the earnable
      compensation of the member.  For the purposes of this subparagraph,
      the member's contribution rate shall be nine and thirty-five
      hundredths percent.  However, the system shall increase the member's
      contribution rate as necessary to cover any increase in cost to the
      system resulting from statutory changes which are enacted by any
      session of the general assembly meeting after January 1, 1995, if the
      increase cannot be absorbed within the contribution rates otherwise
      established pursuant to this paragraph, but subject to a maximum
      employee contribution rate of eleven and three-tenths percent.  After
      the employee contribution reaches eleven and three-tenths percent,
      sixty percent of the additional cost of such statutory changes shall
      be paid by the employer under paragraph "c" and forty percent of
      the additional cost shall be paid by employees under this
      subparagraph (8).
         f. (1)  The board of trustees shall certify to the director of
      the department of administrative services and the director of the
      department of administrative services shall cause to be deducted from
      the earnable compensation of each member the contribution required
      under this subsection and shall forward the contributions to the
      board of trustees for recording and for deposit in the retirement
         (2)  The deductions provided for under this subsection shall be
      made notwithstanding that the minimum compensation provided by law
      for any member is reduced.  Every member is deemed to consent to the
      deductions made under this section.
         g.  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph "e", the
      following transition percentages apply to members' contributions as
         (1)  For members who on July 1, 1990, have attained the age of
      forty-nine years or more, an amount equal to nine and one-tenth
      percent of each member's compensation from the earnable compensation
      of the member shall be paid to the retirement fund for the fiscal
      period beginning July 1, 1990, through October 15, 1992, and
      commencing October 16, 1992, and for each subsequent fiscal period,
      the rates specified in paragraph "e", subparagraphs (4) through
      (8), shall apply.
         (2)  For members who on July 1, 1990, have attained the age of
      forty-eight years but have not attained the age of forty-nine years,
      an amount equal to eight and one-tenth percent shall be paid for the
      fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990, and an amount equal to nine and
      one-tenth percent shall be paid for the fiscal period beginning July
      1, 1991, through October 15, 1992, and commencing October 16, 1992,
      and for each subsequent fiscal period, the rates specified in
      paragraph "e", subparagraphs (4) through (8), shall apply.
         (3)  For members who on July 1, 1990, have attained the age of
      forty-seven years but have not attained the age of forty-eight years,
      an amount equal to seven and one-tenth percent shall be paid for the
      fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990, an amount equal to eight and
      one-tenth percent shall be paid for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
      1991, and an amount equal to nine and one-tenth percent shall be paid
      for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1992, through October 15,
      1992, and commencing October 16, 1992, and for each subsequent fiscal
      period, the rates specified in paragraph "e", subparagraphs (4)
      through (8), shall apply.
         (4)  For members who on July 1, 1990, have attained the age of
      forty-six years but have not attained the age of forty-seven years,
      an amount equal to six and one-tenth percent shall be paid for the
      fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990, an amount equal to seven and
      one-tenth percent shall be paid for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
      1991, an amount equal to eight and one-tenth percent shall be paid
      for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1992, through October 15,
      1992, and commencing October 16, 1992, and for each subsequent fiscal
      period, the rates specified in paragraph "e", subparagraphs (4)
      through (8), shall apply.
         (5)  For members who on July 1, 1990, have attained the age of
      forty-five years but have not attained the age of forty-six years, an
      amount equal to five and one-tenth percent shall be paid for the
      fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990, an amount equal to six and
      one-tenth percent shall be paid for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
      1991, and an amount equal to seven and one-tenth percent shall be
      paid for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1992, through October
      15, 1992.  Commencing October 16, 1992, and for each subsequent
      fiscal period, the rates specified in paragraph "e",
      subparagraphs (4) through (8), shall apply.
         h. (1)  Notwithstanding paragraph "f" or other provisions
      of this chapter, beginning January 1, 1995, for federal income tax
      purposes, and beginning January 1, 1999, for state income tax
      purposes, member contributions required under paragraph "e" or
      "g" which are picked up by the department shall be considered
      employer contributions for federal and state income tax purposes, and
      the department shall pick up the member contributions to be made
      under paragraph "e" or "g" by its employees.  The department
      shall pick up these contributions by reducing the salary of each of
      its employees covered by this chapter by the amount which each
      employee is required to contribute under paragraph "e" or "g"
      and shall certify the amount picked up in lieu of the member
      contributions to the department of administrative services.  The
      department of administrative services shall forward the amount of the
      contributions picked up to the board of trustees for recording and
      deposit in the retirement fund.
         (2)  Member contributions picked up by the department under
      subparagraph (1) shall be treated as employer contributions for
      federal and state income tax purposes only and for all other purposes
      of this chapter shall be treated as employee contributions and deemed
      part of the employee's earnable compensation or salary.
         2. a.  All the expenses necessary in connection with the
      administration and operation of the system shall be paid from the
      retirement fund.  Investment management expenses shall be charged to
      the investment income of the system and there is appropriated from
      the system an amount required for the investment management expenses.
      The board of trustees shall report the investment management expenses
      for the fiscal year as a percent of the market value of the system.
         b.  For purposes of this subsection, investment management
      expenses are limited to the following:
         (1)  Fees for investment advisors, consultants, and investment
      management and benefit consultant firms hired by the board of
      trustees in administering this chapter.
         (2)  Fees and costs for safekeeping fund assets.
         (3)  Costs for performance and compliance monitoring, and
      accounting for fund investments.
         (4)  Any other costs necessary to prudently invest or protect the
      assets of the fund.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 97A.8; 82 Acts, ch
      1261, § 9] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1180, § 8; 90 Acts, ch 1240, § 11, 12; 94 Acts, ch
      1183, §10--12; 96 Acts, ch 1187, § 93--96; 98 Acts, ch 1174, §1, 6;
      2000 Acts, ch 1077, §7, 8; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2004 Acts, ch
      1101, §15; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §184, 201; 2008 Acts, ch 1171, §11
         Referred to in § 97A.5, 97A.7, 97A.9, 97A.14A, 97A.16, 97B.42B