The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall,
      for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively
      ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the
      context clearly indicates a different meaning:
         1.  "Actuarial equivalent" shall mean a benefit of equal
      value, when computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted by
      the board of trustees, and interest computed at a rate adopted by the
      board upon the recommendation of the actuary.
         2.  "Amount earned" shall mean the amount of money actually
      earned by a beneficiary in some definite period of time.
         3.  "Average final compensation" shall mean the average
      earnable compensation of the member during the member's highest three
      years of service as a member of the state department of public
      safety, or if the member has had less than three years of service,
      then the average earnable compensation of the member's entire period
      of service.
         4.  "Beneficiary" shall mean any person receiving a retirement
      allowance or other benefit as provided by this chapter.
         5.  "Board of trustees" means the board created in section
      97A.5 to direct the administration of the Iowa department of public
      safety peace officers' retirement, accident, and disability system.
         6.  "Child" means only the surviving issue of a deceased
      active or retired member, or a child legally adopted by a deceased
      member prior to the member's retirement.  "Child" includes only
      an individual who is under the age of eighteen years, an individual
      who is under the age of twenty-two and is a full-time student, or an
      individual who is disabled under the definitions used in section 402
      of the Social Security Act as amended if the disability occurred to
      the individual during the time the individual was under the age of
      eighteen years and the parent of the individual was an active member
      of the system.
         7.  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safety of
      this state.
         8.  "Department" means the department of public safety of this
         9.  "Earnable compensation" or "compensation earnable"
      shall mean the regular compensation which a member would earn during
      one year on the basis of the stated compensation for the member's
      rank or position including compensation for longevity and the daily
      amount received for meals under section 80.8 and excluding any amount
      received for overtime compensation or other special additional
      compensation, other payments for meal expenses, uniform cleaning
      allowances, travel expenses, and uniform allowances and excluding any
      amount received upon termination or retirement in payment for
      accumulated sick leave or vacation.
         10.  "Medical board" shall mean the board of physicians
      provided for in section 97A.5.
         11.  "Member" or "member of system" shall mean a member of
      the Iowa department of public safety peace officers' retirement,
      accident, and disability system as defined by section 97A.3.
         12.  "Membership service" shall mean service as a peace
      officer in the division of state patrol, the division of criminal
      investigation, or division of narcotics enforcement in the department
      of public safety and arson investigators rendered since last becoming
      a member, or, where membership is regained as provided in this
      chapter, all of such service.
         13.  "Peace officer" means a member, except a non-peace
      officer member, of the division of state patrol, narcotics
      enforcement, state fire marshal, or criminal investigation, including
      but not limited to a gaming enforcement officer, who has passed a
      satisfactory physical and mental examination and has been duly
      appointed by the department of public safety in accordance with
      section 80.15.
         14.  "Pensions" shall mean annual payments for life derived
      from the appropriations provided by the state of Iowa and from
      contributions of the members which are deposited in the retirement
      fund.  All pensions shall be paid in equal monthly installments.
         15.  "Retirement allowance" shall mean the pension, or any
      benefits in lieu thereof, granted to a member upon retirement.
         16.  "Surviving spouse" shall mean the surviving spouse or
      former spouse of a marriage solemnized prior to retirement of a
      deceased member from active service.  Surviving spouse shall include
      a former spouse only if the division of assets in the dissolution of
      marriage decree pursuant to section 598.17 grants the former spouse
      rights of a spouse under this chapter.  If there is no surviving
      spouse of a marriage solemnized prior to retirement of a deceased
      member, surviving spouse includes a surviving spouse of a marriage of
      two years or more duration solemnized subsequent to retirement of the
         17.  "System" shall mean the Iowa department of public safety
      peace officers' retirement, accident, and disability system as
      defined in section 97A.2.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, § 97A.1; C77, 79, 81, § 97A.1,
      97A.6(8b); 82 Acts, ch 1261, § 1, 2] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1245, § 243; 88 Acts, ch 1242, § 2; 92 Acts, ch 1232,
      § 504; 94 Acts, ch 1183, §2; 98 Acts, ch 1074, §11; 2005 Acts, ch 35,
      §22, 31; 2006 Acts, ch 1010, §47; 2008 Acts, ch 1171, §1, 2
         Referred to in § 80.1A, 97A.6, 97D.3, 411.6