1.  Every committee, as defined in this chapter, shall file a
      statement of organization within ten days from the date of its
      organization.  Unless formal organization has previously occurred, a
      committee is deemed to have organized as of the date that committee
      transactions exceed the financial activity threshold established in
      section 68A.102, subsection 5 or 18.  If committee transactions
      exceed the financial activity threshold prior to the due date for
      filing a disclosure report as established under section 68A.402, the
      committee shall file a disclosure report whether or not a statement
      of organization has been filed by the committee.
         2.  The statement of organization shall include:
         a.  The name, purpose, mailing address, and telephone number
      of the committee.  The committee name shall not duplicate the name of
      another committee organized under this section.  For candidate's
      committees filing initial statements of organization on or after July
      1, 1995, the candidate's name shall be contained within the committee
         b.  The name, mailing address, and position of the committee
         c.  The name, address, office sought, and the party
      affiliation of all candidates whom the committee is supporting and,
      if the committee is supporting the entire ticket of any party, the
      name of the party.  If, however, the committee is supporting several
      candidates who are not identified by name or are not of the same
      political affiliation, the committee may provide a statement of
      purpose in lieu of candidate names or political party affiliation.
         d.  Such other information as may be required by this chapter
      or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.
         e.  A signed statement by the treasurer of the committee and
      the candidate, in the case of a candidate's committee, which shall
      verify that they are aware of the requirement to file disclosure
      reports if the committee, the committee officers, the candidate, or
      both the committee officers and the candidate receive contributions
      in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate, make
      expenditures in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars in the
      aggregate, or incur indebtedness in excess of seven hundred fifty
      dollars in the aggregate in a calendar year to expressly advocate the
      nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for public office.
      In the case of political committees, statements shall be made by the
      treasurer of the committee and the chairperson.
         f.  The identification of any parent entity or other
      affiliates or sponsors.
         g.  The name of the financial institution in which the
      committee receipts will be deposited.
         3.  Any change in information previously submitted in a statement
      of organization or notice in case of dissolution of the committee
      shall be reported to the board not more than thirty days from the
      date of the change or dissolution.
         4.  A list, by office and district, of all candidates who have
      filed an affidavit of candidacy in the office of the secretary of
      state shall be prepared by the secretary of state and delivered to
      the board not more than ten days after the last day for filing
      nomination papers.
         5. a.  When either a committee or organization not organized
      as a committee under this section makes a contribution to a committee
      organized in Iowa, that committee or organization shall disclose each
      contribution in excess of fifty dollars to the board.
         b.  A committee or organization not organized as a committee
      under this section that is not registered and filing full disclosure
      reports of all financial activities with the federal election
      commission or another state's disclosure commission shall register
      and file full disclosure reports with the board pursuant to this
      chapter.  The committee or organization shall either appoint an
      eligible Iowa elector as committee or organization treasurer, or
      shall maintain all committee funds in an account in a financial
      institution located in Iowa.
         c.  A committee that is currently filing a disclosure report
      in another jurisdiction shall either file a statement of organization
      under subsections 1 and 2 and file disclosure reports under section
      68A.402, or shall file one copy of a verified statement with the
      board within fifteen days of the contribution being made.
         d.  The verified statement shall be on forms prescribed by the
      board and shall attest that the committee is filing reports with the
      federal election commission or in a jurisdiction with reporting
      requirements which are substantially similar to those of this
      chapter, and that the contribution is made from an account that does
      not accept contributions that would be in violation of section
         e.  The verified statement shall include the complete name,
      address, and telephone number of the contributing committee, the
      state or federal jurisdiction under which it is registered or
      operates, the identification of any parent entity or other affiliates
      or sponsors, its purpose, the name and address of an Iowa resident
      authorized to receive service of original notice, the name and
      address of the receiving committee, the amount of the cash or in-kind
      contribution, and the date the contribution was made.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [S13, § 1137-a1; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 973; C46, 50, 54, 58,
      62, 66, 71, 73, § 56.2; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 56.5; 81 Acts, ch 35, § 5]
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1023, § 3, 4; 87 Acts, ch 112, § 5; 91 Acts, ch 226, §
      3; 93 Acts, ch 142, § 5; 93 Acts, ch 163, § 31, 38; 94 Acts, ch 1180,
      §33; 95 Acts, ch 198, §5--7; 99 Acts, ch 136, §4, 17; 2002 Acts, ch
      1073, §4, 5, 11; 2003 Acts, ch 40, §2, 9; 2003 Acts, ch 179, §81
         CS2003, §68A.201
         2004 Acts, ch 1042, §1, 2; 2007 Acts, ch 14, §2, 3
         Referred to in § 68A.401, 68A.404, 68A.405, 68A.406