1.  Each voter registration form shall provide space for the
      registrant to provide the following information:
         a.  The county where the registrant resides.
         b.  The registrant's name, including first name and any family
      forename or surname.
         c.  The address at which the registrant resides and claims as
      the registrant's residence for voting purposes.
         d.  The registrant's mailing address if it is different from
      the residence address.
         e.  Iowa driver's license number if the registrant has a
      current and valid Iowa driver's license, Iowa nonoperator's
      identification card if the registrant has a current and valid Iowa
      nonoperator's identification card, or the last four numerals of the
      registrant's social security number.  If the registrant does not have
      an Iowa driver's license number, an Iowa nonoperator's identification
      card number, or a social security number, the form shall provide
      space for a number to be assigned as provided in subsection 8.
         f.  Date of birth, including month, date, and year.
         g.  Sex.
         h.  Residential telephone number (optional to provide).
         i.  Political party affiliation as defined in section 43.2 or
      nonparty political organization affiliation if approved for inclusion
      on the form pursuant to section 44.18.
         j.  The name and address appearing on the registrant's
      previous voter registration.
         k.  A space for a registrant who is homeless or who has no
      established residence to provide such information as may be necessary
      to describe a place to which the person often returns.
         l.  A statement that lists each eligibility requirement,
      contains an attestation that the registrant meets all of the
      requirements, and requires the signature of the registrant under
      penalty of perjury.
         m.  A space for the registrant's signature and the date
         2.  The voter registration form shall include, in print that is
      identical to the attestation portion of the form, the following:
         a.  Each voter eligibility requirement.
         b.  The penalty provided by law for submission of a false
      voter registration form, which shall be the penalty for perjury as
      provided by section 902.9, subsection 5.
         3.  The following questions and statement regarding eligibility
      shall be included on forms that may be used for registration by mail:

         a.  "Are you a citizen of the United States of America?"
         b.  "Will you be eighteen years of age on or before election
         c.  "If you checked 'no' in response to either of these
      questions, do not complete this form."

         4.  Voter registration forms used by voter registration agencies
      under section 48A.19 shall include the following statements:
         a.  If a person declines to register to vote, the fact that
      the person has declined to register will remain confidential and will
      be used only for voter registration purposes.
         b.  If a person does register to vote, the office at which the
      registrant submits a voter registration form will remain confidential
      and the information will be used only for voter registration
         5.  Voter registration forms may be on paper or electronic media.

         6.  All forms for voter registration shall be prescribed by the
      state voter registration commission.
         7.  A person who has been designated to have power of attorney by
      a registrant does not have authority to sign a voter registration
      form, except as otherwise provided in section 39.3, subsection 17.
         8.  A voter registration application lacking the registrant's
      name, sex, date of birth, residence address or description, or
      signature shall not be processed.  A voter registration application
      lacking the registrant's Iowa driver's license number, Iowa
      nonoperator's identification card number, or the last four digits of
      the registrant's social security number shall not be processed.  A
      registrant whose registration is not processed pursuant to this
      subsection shall be notified pursuant to section 48A.26, subsection
      3.  A registrant who does not have an Iowa driver's license number,
      an Iowa nonoperator's identification number, or a social security
      number and who notifies the registrar of such shall be assigned a
      unique identifying number that shall serve to identify the registrant
      for voter registration purposes.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         94 Acts, ch 1169, §12; 2002 Acts, ch 1134, §21, 115; 2004 Acts, ch
      1083, §7--12, 37; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §355; 2005 Acts, ch 19, §18;
      2007 Acts, ch 59, §41, 43; 2008 Acts, ch 1115, §76, 77
         Referred to in § 48A.26, 48A.37