631.4  SERVICE -- TIME FOR APPEARANCE.         The manner of service of original notice and the times for      appearance shall be as provided in this section.         1.  Actions for money judgment or replevin.  In an action for      money judgment or an action of replevin the clerk shall cause service      to be obtained as follows, and the defendant is required to appear      within the period of time specified:         a.  If the defendant is a resident of this state, or if the      defendant is a nonresident of this state and is subject to the      jurisdiction of the court under rule of civil procedure 1.306, the      plaintiff may elect service under this paragraph, and upon receipt of      the prescribed costs the clerk shall mail to the defendant by      certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt to the clerk      requested, a copy of the original notice together with a conforming      copy of an answer form.  However, if the defendant is a corporation,      partnership, or association, the clerk shall mail to the defendant by      certified mail, return receipt to the clerk requested, a copy of the      original notice with a conforming copy of an answer form.  The      defendant is required to appear within twenty days following the date      service is made.         b.  If the defendant is a resident of this state, or if the      defendant is a nonresident of this state and is subject to the      jurisdiction of the court under rule of civil procedure 1.306, the      plaintiff may elect service under this paragraph, and upon receipt of      the prescribed costs the clerk shall cause a copy of the original      notice and a conforming copy of an answer form to be delivered to a      peace officer or other person for personal service as provided in      rule of civil procedure 1.302(5), 1.305, or 1.306.  The defendant is      required to appear within twenty days following the date service is      made.         c.  If the defendant is a nonresident of this state and is      subject to the jurisdiction of the court under rule of civil      procedure 1.306, the plaintiff may elect service in any other manner      that is approved by the court as provided in that rule, and the      defendant is required to appear within sixty days after the date of      service.         d.  If the defendant is a nonresident of this state and is      subject to the jurisdiction of the court under section 617.3, the      plaintiff may elect that service be made as provided in that section.      The clerk shall collect the prescribed fees and costs, and shall      cause duplicate copies of the original notice to be filed with the      secretary of state and shall cause a copy of the original notice and      a conforming copy of an answer form to be mailed to the defendant in      the manner prescribed in section 617.3.  The defendant is required to      appear within sixty days from the date of filing with the secretary      of state.         2.  Actions for forcible entry and detainer.         a.  In an action for forcible entry and detainer under chapter      648, the clerk shall set a date, time and place for hearing, and      shall cause service as provided in this subsection.         b.  Original notice shall be served personally upon each      defendant as provided in rule of civil procedure 1.305, which service      shall be made at least three days prior to the date set for hearing.      Upon receipt of the prescribed costs the clerk shall cause the      original notice to be delivered to a peace officer or other person      for service upon each defendant.         c.  If personal service cannot be made upon each defendant, as      provided in rule of civil procedure 1.305, the plaintiff may elect to      post, after at least two attempts to perfect service upon each      defendant, one or more copies of the original notice upon the real      property being detained by each defendant at least three days prior      to the date set for hearing.  The attempts to perfect personal      service may be made on the same day.  In addition to posting, the      plaintiff shall also mail, by certified mail, to each defendant, at      the place held out by each defendant as the place for receipt of such      communications or, in the absence of such designation, at each      defendant's last known place of residence, a copy of the original      notice at least three days prior to the date set for hearing.  Under      this paragraph, service shall be deemed complete upon each defendant      by the filing with the clerk of the district court of one or more      affidavits indicating that a copy of the original notice was both      posted and mailed to each defendant as provided in this paragraph,      whether or not the defendant signs a receipt for the notice.         d.  If personal service cannot be made upon each defendant in      an action for forcible entry and detainer joined with an action for      rent or recovery pursuant to section 648.19, service may be made      pursuant to paragraph "c".         3.  Actions for abandonment of manufactured or mobile homes or      personal property pursuant to chapter 555B.         a.  In an action for abandonment of a manufactured or mobile      home or personal property, the clerk shall set a date, time, and      place for hearing, and shall cause service to be made as provided in      this subsection.         b.  Original notice shall be served personally on each      defendant as provided in section 555B.4.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C73, § 631.3--631.5; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 631.4] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1322, § 2; 86 Acts, ch 1077, § 2; 93 Acts, ch 154,      §19, 20; 95 Acts, ch 125, §13; 96 Acts, ch 1203, § 7; 99 Acts, ch      155, §13, 14; 2001 Acts, ch 153, §15; 2001 Acts, ch 176, §80; 2004      Acts, ch 1101, §85; 2009 Acts, ch 21, §12         Referred to in § 562A.29A, 562B.27A, 631.3