631.2  JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURES.         1.  The district court sitting in small claims shall exercise the      jurisdiction conferred by this chapter, and shall determine small      claims according to the statutes and the rules prescribed by this      chapter.  Except when transferred from the small claims docket as      provided in section 631.8, small claims may be tried by a judicial      magistrate, a district associate judge, or a district judge.         2.  The clerk of the district court shall maintain a separate      small claims docket which shall contain all matters relating to small      claims which are required by section 602.8104, subsection 2,      paragraph "e", to be contained in a combination docket.         3.  Statutes and rules relating to venue and jurisdiction shall      apply to small claims, except that a provision of this chapter which      is inconsistent therewith shall supersede that statute or rule.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C73, § 631.2, 631.3; C75, 77, 79, 81, § 631.2] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         83 Acts, ch 101, § 124; 83 Acts, ch 186, § 10116, 10201