501.307  FINANCIAL INFORMATION.         The cooperative shall make available financial information to its      membership by doing either of the following:         1.  Preparing and providing to its members a financial statement      for the cooperative's last fiscal year.         a.  The financial statement must be based upon an unqualified      opinion based upon an audit performed by a certified public      accountant licensed in this state.  However, a qualification in an      opinion is valid, if it is unavoidable by any audit procedure that is      permitted under generally accepted accounting principles.  An opinion      that is qualified because of a limited audit procedure or because the      scope of an audit is limited is invalid for purposes of this section.         b.  The financial statement must disclose the assets,      liabilities, and net worth of the cooperative.  The financial      statement must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting      principles.  Assets must be shown at original cost less depreciation,      or based upon a valuation in accordance with a competent appraisal.      Unpriced contracts for agricultural commodities or products must be      shown as a liability and valued at the applicable current market      price of the agricultural commodities or products as of the date the      financial statement is prepared.         2.  Honoring a demand to provide access at all reasonable hours at      its offices to the books, records, accounts, papers, documents, and      computer programs or other recordings relating to the property,      assets, business, and financial affairs of the cooperative.  The      demand shall be in writing and signed by at least fifty percent of      all the members of the cooperative.  The cooperative shall honor the      demand within one day from its receipt.  Upon receipt of the demand,      the cooperative must provide access to one or more persons selected      by the fifty percent of the members to conduct the examination.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         96 Acts, ch 1010, §21