490A.1517 FOREIGN PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. A foreign professional limited liability company may practice a profession in this state if it complies with the provisions of this chapter and this subchapter. The secretary of state may prescribe forms for this purpose. A foreign professional limited liability company may practice a profession in this state only through members, managers, employees, and agents who are licensed to practice the profession in this state. The provisions of this subchapter with respect to the practice of a profession by a professional limited liability company apply to a foreign professional limited liability company. This subchapter does not prohibit the practice of a profession in this state by an individual who is a member, manager, employee, or agent of a foreign professional limited liability company, if the individual could lawfully practice the profession in this state in the absence of any relationship to a foreign professional limited liability company. The preceding sentence applies regardless of whether or not the foreign professional limited liability company is authorized to practice a profession in this state.Section History: Recent Form
92 Acts, ch 1151, § 101