488.812  DISPOSITION OF ASSETS -- WHEN CONTRIBUTIONS      REQUIRED.         1.  In winding up a limited partnership's activities, the assets      of the limited partnership, including the contributions required by      this section, must be applied to satisfy the limited partnership's      obligations to creditors, including, to the extent permitted by law,      partners that are creditors.         2.  Any surplus remaining after the limited partnership complies      with subsection 1 must be paid in cash as a distribution.         3.  If a limited partnership's assets are insufficient to satisfy      all of its obligations under subsection 1, with respect to each      unsatisfied obligation incurred when the limited partnership was not      a limited liability limited partnership, the following rules apply:         a.  Each person that was a general partner when the obligation      was incurred and that has not been released from the obligation under      section 488.607 shall contribute to the limited partnership for the      purpose of enabling the limited partnership to satisfy the      obligation.  The contribution due from each of those persons is in      proportion to the right to receive distributions in the capacity of      general partner in effect for each of those persons when the      obligation was incurred.         b.  If a person does not contribute the full amount required      under paragraph "a" with respect to an unsatisfied obligation of      the limited partnership, the other persons required to contribute by      paragraph "a" on account of the obligation shall contribute the      additional amount necessary to discharge the obligation.  The      additional contribution due from each of those other persons is in      proportion to the right to receive distributions in the capacity of      general partner in effect for each of those other persons when the      obligation was incurred.         c.  If a person does not make the additional contribution      required by paragraph "b", further additional contributions are      determined and due in the same manner as provided in that paragraph.         4.  A person that makes an additional contribution under      subsection 3, paragraph "b" or "c", may recover from any      person whose failure to contribute under subsection 3, paragraph      "b" or "c", necessitated the additional contribution.  A      person shall not recover under this subsection more than the amount      additionally contributed.  A person's liability under this subsection      shall not exceed the amount the person failed to contribute.         5.  The estate of a deceased individual is liable for the person's      obligations under this section.         6.  An assignee for the benefit of creditors of a limited      partnership or a partner, or a person appointed by a court to      represent creditors of a limited partnership or a partner, may      enforce a person's obligation to contribute under subsection 3.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2004 Acts, ch 1021, §75, 118         Referred to in § 488.506, 488.809