488.1005  PROCEEDS AND EXPENSES.         1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2:         a.  Any proceeds or other benefits of a derivative action,      whether by judgment, compromise, or settlement, belong to the limited      partnership and not to the derivative plaintiff.         b.  If the derivative plaintiff receives any proceeds, the      derivative plaintiff shall immediately remit them to the limited      partnership.         2.  If a derivative action is successful in whole or in part, the      court may award the plaintiff reasonable expenses, including      reasonable attorney fees, from the recovery of the limited      partnership.         3.  If the court finds that the derivative proceeding was      commenced or maintained without reasonable cause or for an improper      purpose, it may order the plaintiff to pay any defendant's reasonable      expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in defending      the action.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2004 Acts, ch 1021, §88, 118