486A.907  STATEMENT OF MERGER.         1.  After a merger, the surviving partnership or limited      partnership may file a statement that one or more partnerships or      limited partnerships have merged into the surviving entity.         2.  A statement of merger must contain all of the following:         a.  The name of each partnership or limited partnership that      is a party to the merger.         b.  The name of the surviving entity into which the other      partnerships or limited partnership were merged.         c.  The street address of the surviving entity's chief      executive office and of an office in this state, if any.         d.  Whether the surviving entity is a partnership or a limited      partnership.         3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, for the purposes      of section 486A.302, property of the surviving partnership or limited      partnership which before the merger was held in the name of another      party to the merger is property held in the name of the surviving      entity upon filing a statement of merger.         4.  For the purposes of section 486A.302, real property of the      surviving partnership or limited partnership which before the merger      was held in the name of another party to the merger is property held      in the name of the surviving entity upon recording a certified copy      of the statement of merger in the office for recording transfers of      that real property.         5.  A filed and, if appropriate, recorded statement of merger,      executed and declared to be accurate pursuant to section 486A.105,      subsection 3, stating the name of a partnership or limited      partnership that is a party to the merger in whose name property was      held before the merger and the name of the surviving entity, but not      containing all of the other information required by subsection 2,      operates with respect to the partnerships or limited partnerships      named to the extent provided in subsections 3 and 4.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         98 Acts, ch 1201, §51, 79, 82         Referred to in §486A.101