484C.10  TAKING PRESERVE WHITETAIL -- TRANSPORTATION      TAGS.         The department shall provide transportation tags to a landowner      for use in identifying the carcass of preserve whitetail.         1.  The tags shall be used to designate all preserve whitetail      taken by persons on the hunting preserve.  A person taking the      preserve whitetail shall tag the preserve whitetail in accordance      with the rules adopted by the department.         2.  The preserve whitetail taken on a hunting preserve shall be      tagged prior to being removed from the hunting preserve.         3.  A tag shall remain attached to the carcass of the dead      preserve whitetail until processed for consumption.  The person      taking the preserve whitetail shall be provided with a bill of sale      by the landowner.  The bill of sale shall remain in the possession of      the person taking the preserve whitetail.         4.  Preserve whitetail tags issued to a hunting preserve are not      transferable.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2005 Acts, ch 139, §23