473.8  EMERGENCY POWERS.         1.  If the office by resolution determines the health, safety, or      welfare of the people of this state is threatened by an actual or      impending acute shortage of usable energy, it shall transmit the      resolution to the governor together with its recommendation on the      declaration of an emergency by the governor and recommended actions,      if any, to be undertaken.  Within thirty days of the date of the      resolution, the governor may issue a proclamation of emergency which      shall be filed with the secretary of state.  The proclamation shall      state the facts relied upon and the reasons for the proclamation.         2. a.  Pursuant to the proclamation of an emergency or in      response to a declaration of an energy emergency by the president of      the United States under the federal Emergency Energy Conservation Act      of 1979, Pub. L. No. 96-102, the governor by executive order may:         (1)  Regulate the operating hours of energy consuming      instrumentalities of state government, political subdivisions,      private institutions and business facilities to the extent the      regulation is not hazardous or detrimental to the health, safety, or      welfare of the people of this state.  However, the governor shall      have no authority to suspend, amend or nullify any service being      provided by a public utility pursuant to an order or rule of a      federal agency which has jurisdiction over the public utility.         (2)  Establish a system for the distribution and supply of energy.      The system shall not include a coupon rationing program, unless the      program is federally mandated.         (3)  Curtail public and private transportation utilizing energy      sources.  Curtailment may include measures designed to promote the      use of car pools and mass transit systems.         (4)  Delegate any administrative authority vested in the governor      to the office or the director.         (5)  Provide for the temporary transfer of directors, personnel,      or functions of state departments and agencies, for the purpose of      performing or facilitating emergency measures pursuant to      subparagraphs (1) and (2).         (6)  Accept the delegation of other mandatory measures as allowed      by the federal Emergency Energy Conservation Act of 1979, Pub. L. No.      96-102.         b.  If the general assembly is in session, it may revoke by      concurrent resolution any proclamation of emergency issued by the      governor.  If the general assembly is not in session, the      proclamation of emergency by the governor may be revoked by a      majority vote of the standing membership of the legislative council.      Such revocation shall be effective upon receipt of notice of the      revocation by the secretary of state and any functions being      performed pursuant to the governor's proclamation shall cease      immediately.         3.  A violation of an executive order of the governor issued      pursuant to this section is a scheduled violation as provided in      section 805.8C, subsection 1.  If the violation is continuous and      stationary in its nature and subsequent compliance can easily be      ascertained, an officer may issue a memorandum of warning in lieu of      a citation providing a reasonable amount of time not exceeding      fourteen days to correct the violation and to comply with the      requirements of the executive order.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C75, 77, 79, 81, § 93.8] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1245, § 1822         C93, § 473.8         2001 Acts, ch 137, §5; 2009 Acts, ch 108, §28, 29, 41         Referred to in § 469.3, 473.7, 805.8C(1)