473.20A  SELF-LIQUIDATING FINANCING.         1. a.  The office may facilitate financing agreements that may      be entered into with political subdivisions of the state, school      districts, area education agencies, community colleges, or nonprofit      organizations to finance the costs of energy management improvements      on a self-liquidating basis.  The provisions of section 473.20      defining eligible energy management improvements apply to financings      under this section.         b.  The financing agreement may contain provisions, including      interest, term, and obligations to make payments on the financing      agreement beyond the current budget year, as may be acceptable to      political subdivisions of the state, school districts, area education      agencies, community colleges, or nonprofit organizations.         c.  The office shall assist the treasurer of state with      financing agreements entered into by the treasurer of state on behalf      of state agencies pursuant to section 12.28 to finance energy      management improvements being implemented by state agencies.         2.  Political subdivisions of the state, school districts, area      education agencies, community colleges, and nonprofit organizations      may enter into financing agreements and issue obligations necessary      to carry out the provisions of the chapter.  Chapter 75 shall not be      applicable.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         87 Acts, ch 209, §3         CS87, § 93.20A         90 Acts, ch 1253, § 120; 91 Acts, ch 253, §9         C93, § 473.20A         2008 Acts, ch 1126, §30, 33; 2009 Acts, ch 108, §36, 41         Referred to in § 298.3, 473.19