468.83 - APPEALS.

        468.83  APPEALS.         1.  Any person aggrieved may appeal from any final action of the      board in relation to any matter involving the person's rights, to the      district court of the county in which the proceeding was held.         2.  In districts extending into two or more counties, appeals from      final orders resulting from the joint action of the several boards or      the board of trustees of such district may be taken to the district      court of any county into which the district extends.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [S13, § 1989-a6, -a11, -a14, -a35; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 7513,      7514; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 455.92,      455.93] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.83         Referred to in § 468.126, 468.135