468.589  RATES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES AND      CONNECTION.         If a county and city have entered into an agreement pursuant to      chapter 28E to create an urban drainage district, the county or city      or both may, to the extent and in the manner provided in the      agreement, establish, impose, adjust, and provide for the collection      of rates to produce gross revenues at least sufficient to pay the      expenses of operation and maintenance of a drainage improvement      against property within the district and establish, impose, adjust,      and provide for the collection of charges for connection to a      drainage improvement.  Rates and charges must be established by      ordinance of the governing body of the county or city imposing the      rates or charges.  Rates or charges for the services of and      connection to the drainage improvement if not paid as provided by the      ordinance of the governing body, are a lien upon the premises served      or benefited by that improvement and may be certified to the county      treasurer and collected in the same manner as other taxes.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         85 Acts, ch 144, § 1         CS85, § 331.489         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.589         93 Acts, ch 73, § 13         Referred to in § 445.1